Jul 172014

Is there evidence that Australia’s external administration regime causes otherwise viable businesses to fail and, if so, what could be done to address this?

This is the question being asked about external administrations in the Interim Report of the Financial System Inquiry (FSI) (July 2014). The FSI says it would value views on the costs, benefits and trade-offs of the following policy options or other alternatives:

  • No change to current arrangements.
  • Implement the 2012 proposals to reduce the complexity and cost of external administration for SMEs. [See below for details of these proposals.]

The brief section of the FSI’s report dealing with external administration may be viewed HERE.  (The full report in pdf format is available HERE.)

David Murray

David Murray, FSI chairman. Artwork from bluenotes.anz.com

US Chapter 11 regime?

Adoption by Australia of a US Chapter 11 style form of external administration could still be an option, although the FSI has already given it the thumbs down, as this extract from its interim report shows:

“The Inquiry considers adopting such a regime would be costly and could leave control in the hands of those who are often the cause of a company’s financial distress. Capital would be maintained in a business that is likely to fail, which would restrict or defer the capital from being channelled to more viable and productive enterprises. Adopting such a regime would also create more uncertainty for creditors by limiting their rights. The Inquiry notes that Chapter 11 has rarely enabled businesses to continue as going concerns in the long term. There is little empirical evidence that Australia’s voluntary administration process is causing otherwise viable businesses to fail. The Inquiry would like stakeholders to provide any empirical evidence that supports that view.”

Second round of submissions to FSI

Submissions in response to the Interim Report are due by 26 August 2014. Submissions can be lodged online using the Financial System Inquiry special facility,  or may be lodged by email or post: fsi@fsi.gov.au or Financial System Inquiry,  GPO Box 89,  Sydney NSW 2001.

Insolvency reform proposals of 2012

The 2012 insolvency reform proposals to which the FSI specifically refers in its request for second round submissions concern:

  1. Registration and discipline of insolvency practitioners (See note 1 at end of post for more information).
  2. Specific rules relating to external administrations (note 2).
  3. Regulator powers and miscellaneous amendments (note 3).

The Explanatory Material issued with the Insolvency Law Reform Bill  on 19 December 2012 can be viewed HERE.

“Thought leadership”

The Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association (ARITA) (previously known as the Insolvency Practitioners Association) says it has embarked on “a major project to drive thought leadership around our insolvency regime”.  It is asking insolvency practitioners who want to make a submission to FSI to work with the professional association:

“ARITA has embarked on a major project to drive thought leadership around our insolvency regime.  Along with some of ARITA’s excellent previous work, significant new work has already been completed and ARITA members will soon be asked for comment on key aspects of our policy positions. This work is, obviously, well timed to support the FSI request for submissions. ARITA will actively work to represent the views of its membership and the profession to the FSI. We would urge all members and their firms to work with ARITA on providing strong and consistent representation to the FSI. If you or your firm is looking at making its own submission, please let ARITA know so that we can collaborate with you.”  ARITA Press Release 15/7/2014

NOTES re Proposals in December 2012 Insolvency Reform Bill:

Note 1: Registration and discipline of insolvency practitioners

Common rules regarding:   the physical registers of insolvency practitioners;  registration and disciplinary Committees.

Note 2: Specific rules relating to external administrations

Common rules regarding: •

  • Remuneration and other benefits received by the insolvency  practitioner;
  • The handling of administration or estate funds;
  • The provision of information by insolvency practitioners during an external administration or bankruptcy;
  • The meetings of creditors during an external administration or bankruptcy;
  • Committee of inspection formed as part of an external administration or bankruptcy; and
  • The external review of the administration of an estate or insolvency.

Note 3, part (a): Regulator powers and miscellaneous amendments

Provide ASIC with further powers to assist it in its oversight of the regulation of registered liquidators. In particular, the Bill amends the ASIC Act to:

  • enable ASIC to require the provision of information and books as part of an ASIC proactive surveillance program;
  • enable ASIC to provide administration information to a person with a material interest in the information; and
  • improve the transparency of ASIC oversight of the corporate insolvency industry.

Note 3, part (b): Regulator powers and miscellaneous amendments

Amend the Bankruptcy Act to enable ITSA to provide information relevant to the administration of the corporate law to ASIC.

Note 3, part (c): Regulator powers and miscellaneous amendments

A range of miscellaneous amendments, including:

  • amending the Acts to strengthen the penalties for breach of a bankrupt’s or directors’ obligations to provide a report as to affairs (RATA), or the books of the company, to an insolvency practitioner;
  • amend the Corporations Act to provide a process for the automatic disqualification of directors that have failed to provide a RATA, or the books of the company, to a registered liquidator until they have complied with those obligations; and
  • amend the Acts to enable the assignment of an insolvency practitioner’s statutory rights of actions.

Sep 242012

Complied by Michael Ennis. Michael developed an interest in insolvency case law, while a Deputy Registrar in Bankruptcy at the Federal Court of Australia and while undertaking various roles at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia (ITSA). He has maintained this interest since retiring. If you would like to receive the Insolvency Decisions schedule direct, advise Michael of additional decisions, or share your observations, you may contact Michael direct on rmci53mje@spin.net.au. Michael’s comments appear in red text.

Note: There is no July 2012 edition of Australian Insolvency Decisions.

Bankruptcy Act – following Date of Bankruptcy

Ambrose (Trustee) in the matter of Poumako (Bankrupt) v Poumako [2012] FCA 889 (21 August 2012) BANKRUPTCY – where transfer void against trustee in bankruptcy – property jointly owned by bankrupt and another person – appropriate orders in circumstances

BANKRUPTCY – where transfer void against trustee in bankruptcy – transferee paid part consideration – property subject to mortgage – mortgagee’s rights – mortgage funds used to pay part consideration – operation of s 120(4) regarding repayment of consideration paid by transferee

BANKRUPTCY – whether two transfers of property are void against the trustee in bankruptcy – undervalued transactions – transfer of residential properties by bankrupt to family members – whether the properties were held in trust – reliability of evidence – repayment of consideration paid http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/889.html

Mulhern v Pearce [2012] FCA 884 (17 August 2012)  http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/884.html

Maxwell-Smith v Donnelly [2012] FCAFC 82 (16 May 2012) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCAFC/2012/82.html

Seems to be an important matter, providing review of s.179 – clearly a lot going on Liprini v Pascoe as Trustee of the Bankrupt Estate of Liprini [2012] FCA 886 (16 August 2012) BANKRUPTCY – application for inquiry pursuant to s 179 Bankruptcy Act 1966   – threshold requirements for inquiry http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/886.html

Freeman v National Australia Bank Limited [2012] FCA 866 (16 August 2012) PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – vexatious litigant – application for extension of time for leave to appeal – application for leave to appeal against decision dismissing application to rescind vexatious litigant orders – order declaring vexatious litigant interlocutory not final – relevant principles in considering application for extension of time and for leave to appeal – reopening previous decision because of alleged fresh evidence – merits of case – whether primary judge had proper regard to issues raised by applicant – indemnity costs http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/866.html

Interesting reading – looking forward to future hearings National Australia Bank Limited v Moore [2012] FCA 865 (15 August 2012) BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY – bank seeking leave pursuant to s 58(3)(b) of the Bankruptcy Act 1966   to take fresh steps in, and to continue with, proceedings in the Supreme Court of New South Wales http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/865.html

Rose v Meriton Apartments Pty Limited [2012] FCA 844 (13 August 2012) BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY – discretion to make sequestration order – whether discretion miscarried – whether leave should be granted to amend notice of appeal http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/844.html

Frost v Bovaird [2012] FCA 831 (10 August 2012) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/831.html

Rahman v Dubs [2012] FCA 849 (9 August 2012) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/849.html

 Corporations – pre-appointment

 Valuestream Investment Management Ltd v Richmond Management Pty Ltd [2012] FCA 898 (22 August 2012) CORPORATIONS – urgent ex parte interlocutory application for the appointment of an interim receiver and manager – managed investment scheme – whether circumstances justified appointment of a receiver and manager – prima facie evidence that the trustee company no longer had director resident in Australia or registered office – prima facie evidence that the trustee company had made improper investments, failed to keep accounting records, appoint an auditor and report to unit holders http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/898.html


 Corporations – post appointment

 Warner v Hung, in the matter of Bellpac Pty Limited (Receivers and Managers Appointed) (In Liquidation) (No 3) [2012] FCA 819 (6 August 2012) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/819.html

Robinson, in the matter of Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed) [2012] FCA 833 (3 August 2012) period for holding meeting extended http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/833.html

Shannon (in his capacity as receiver and manager of North East Wiradjuri Co Limited) v North East Wiradjuri Co Limited (No 4) [2012] FCA 836 (2 August 2012) Fees fixed http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/836.html

WARWICK ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE PTY LTD (RECEIVERS AND MANAGERS APPOINTED) atf THE WARWICK ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE UNIT TRUST -v- SILKCHIME PTY LTD (RECEIVERS AND MANAGERS APPOINTED) atf THE SILKCHIME UNIT TRUST [No 2] [2012] WASC 275 (1 August 2012) Companies – Payment by one company to another in group – Existence of debt – Evidence of Joint Venture Agreement – Interest payments
Evidence – Corporations Act s 1305 – Books kept – Admissible
Directors’ duties – Corporations Act s 181 – Breaches of statutory duties http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/wa/WASC/2012/275.html

Gannell v Seaquest Pleasure Boats Pty Ltd (In Liquidation) [2012] VCC 893 (26 July 2012) CATCHWORDS – Personal injury claim – negligence of boat builder – breach of contract of sale of boat – assessment of damages for pain and suffering and pecuniary loss http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VCC/2012/893.html

VCC & the QDC! – seldom, if ever see insolvency matters in this jurisdiction  Andrew Fielding as Liquidator of Lyngray Developments Pty Ltd v Dushas & Anor [2012] QDC 96 (11 May 2012) Corporations – external administration – voidable transactions – uncommercial transactions http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/qld/QDC/2012/96.html

Vouris and Tonks as Deed Administrators Of Good Impressions Offset Printers Pty Limited (ACN 002 306 587) [2012] NSWSC 603 (30 May 2012) CORPORATIONS – Deed of company arrangement –   Corporations Act 2001, 444DA – employees – employees not given priority by deed – employee creditors consent to deed – circumstances in which court will approve non-inclusion of provision under 444DA – whether approval can be given after execution of deed http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/603.html

Inglewood Farms Pty Ltd v AM No. 1 Pty Ltd (administrators appointed) (No 2) [2012] NSWSC 591 (29 May 2012) CORPORATIONS – Winding up – Corporations Act 2001   s 440A(2) – Application for the adjournment of winding up application – Relevant factors as to whether application should be adjourned – Whether requirements satisfied http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/591.html

Moodie, in the matter of Gowinta Farms Pty Ltd (administrators appointed) [2012] FCA 578 (31 May 2012) CORPORATIONS – extension of time to convene a second meeting of creditors of company in administration http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/578.html


Lowe v Pascoe (No 2) [2012] NSWSC 885 (3 August 2012) Cash payments journals and expert report in relation to them admitted as evidence in fresh trial http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/885.html

Appoint of a Receiver and Manager of the partnership businessesLowe v Pascoe [2010] NSWSC 388 (7 May 2010) Existence of partnership Unusual signed partnership agreement Family patriarch conducting partnership business (or businesses) as if it (they) was (were) his own and controlling all aspects Numerous disputed questions of fact and law and subsidiary issues
Substantial cash businesses (grocery and butchery) Non-disclosure of full partnership income to ATO
Evasion of tax – plushttp://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2010/388.html 


Aug 062012

Complied by Michael Ennis. Michael developed an interest in insolvency case law, while a Deputy Registrar in Bankruptcy at the Federal Court of Australia and while undertaking various roles at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia (ITSA). He has maintained this interest since retiring. If you would like to receive the Insolvency Decisions schedule direct, advise Michael of additional decisions, or share your observations, you may contact Michael direct on rmci53mje@spin.net.auMichael’s comments appear in red text.


Bankruptcy Act – Prior to Date of Bankruptcy

Commonwealth Bank of Australia v Oswal [2012] FCA 772 (12 July 2012) BANKRUTPCY – debtor resident outside of Australia – substituted service of bankruptcy notice – service upon solicitors who are representing or have represented the debtor in other proceedings in Australia – whether leave to serve a bankruptcy notice out of Australia is required http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/772.html

Westpac Banking Corporation v Cossar & Anor [2012] FMCA 602 (10 July 2012) BANKRUPTCY – Creditor’s Petition – whether respondent debtors’ proposed proceeding against supporting creditor warrants adjournment or constitutes other sufficient cause not to make a sequestration order – whether sufficient evidence that proposed proceedings will proceed without undue delay and are likely to be successful – this criteria not established on evidence before Court – sequestration order made http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FMCA/2012/602.html

Rookharp Pty Ltd & Anor v Webb & Anor [2012] FMCA 607 (5 July 2012) BANKRUPTCY – Creditor’s petition – no appearance of debtors at hearing – no grounds of opposition – sequestration order made http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FMCA/2012/607.html

Bankruptcy Act – following Date of Bankruptcy

Quickly & thoroughly review all estates transferred from another Trustee  Newman v Bain [2012] FMCA 629 (5 July 2012) BANKRUPTCY – Application for extension of time for election by trustee pursuant to s.60(3) of the Bankruptcy Act – matters relevant to exercise of discretion http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FMCA/2012/629.html

One with the lotCooper v Mbuzi [2012] QSC 190 (17 July 2012) PROCEDURE – MISCELLANEOUS PROCEDURAL MATTERS – VEXATIOUS LITIGANTS AND PROCEEDINGS – where the respondent in this matter has had a vexatious proceeding order made against him– where the applicant in this matter is the respondent in a matter commenced by the current respondent before the vexatious proceeding order was made against the current respondent – whether the applicant should be granted leave to be added to the earlier vexatious litigant proceedings – whether the earlier order under the Vexatious Proceedings Act 2005 should be amended to stay the other proceeding brought by the respondent http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/qld/QSC/2012/190.html

Bankruptcy was annulled 9 months after Sequestration Order made, but action continues Phillip Segal & Anor v Max Christopher Donnelly & Ors [2012] NSWSC 833 (24 July 2012) Whether solicitor authorised by registered proprietors of property to conduct sale process on their behalf – whether emails between solicitor and plaintiffs evidence an intention to enter into binding contract – where one co-owner acted as agent for the purchasers – whether other co-owner entitled to reject offer made by plaintiffs for purchase of the Property http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/833.html

Maxwell-Smith v Hall & Anor [2012] NSWCA 205 (25 June 2012) PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – application for pro bono assistance under UCPR 7.36 – where litigant had received assistance under a previous referral twice within preceding three years – determining whether interests of justice are in the applicant’s favour requires assessment of whether the appeal has reasonable prospects of success – prospects of success found to be insufficient – application refused
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – power to waive, postpone and remit fees under Civil Procedure Regulation 2005 reg 11 – power to be exercised by Registrar on separate application http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWCA/2012/205.html

Same mistake still being made!! – “…a search by an officer of the Deputy Commissioner in April 2012 did not reveal the 2010 Order because the search was made by entering only the first name and surname of Mr Russell which, due to the form of that search, did not reveal the 2010 Order” Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v Russell [2012] FMCA 598 (9 July 2012) BANKRUPTCY – Annulment – whether second sequestration order ought to have been made http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FMCA/2012/598.html  

Unusual circumstance in which this application considered – it occurred during the transfer of the bankruptcy administration to a registered trustee in bankruptcy pursuant to s 181A of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 – given outcome of the FMCA matter above, should in-coming Trustee be ‘engaged’ by ITSA to manage the administration, till transfer confirmed? Leader Computers Pty Ltd v Johnson [2012] FCA 716 (6 July 2012) BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY – application pursuant to s 58(3)(b) of Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) for leave to proceed in actions in the District Court of South Australia against bankrupt for voidance of transfer of property – whether leave should be granted in absence of indication from trustee in bankruptcy as to whether application opposed – where urgency in leave being granted due to impending trial date for District Court actions. Held: It was appropriate to grant leave pursuant to s 58(3)(b) of the Act.  http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/716.html

Re s. 153B Stewart v Grauby [2012] FCA 703 (2 July 2012) BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY – application under r 36.05 of the Federal Court Rules 2011 to extend time to appeal – order from Federal Magistrates Court of Australia dismissing application for annulment – whether time should be extended http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/703.html

Sullivan v Macquarie Leasing Pty Ltd [2012] FMCA 601 (2 July 2012) BANKRUPTCY – Application to set aside substituted service orders and sequestration order of Registrars of the Federal Magistrates Court – where applicant concedes debts owed – where applicant provides no evidence of ability to repay debts – where applicant claims unaware of papers relating to bankruptcy – whether to set aside orders http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FMCA/2012/601.html

The end (perhaps) of an interesting, long running series of hearings in this bankruptcy Sheahan (Trustee) in the matter of Frost (Bankrupt) v Frost (No 4) [2012] FCA 708 (29 June 2012) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/708.html

One of two significant decision Bob referred to me – as Bob remarked: “The judgment at paras 143-145, succinctly details the operation of s.58(1)(b) & (6) and s.116(1) of the Bankruptcy Act, and confirms that unrealised divisible property remains vested in the bankrupt estate notwithstanding that the bankrupt has been discharged from bankruptcy” Falloon v Madden; Madden v Madden [2012] NSWSC 652 (14 June 2012) TRUSTS – sole proprietor – resulting trust – beneficiary bankrupt at the time – joint tenants or tenants in common – payments for benefit deceased estate – occupation fee http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/652.html

The 2nd from Bob – again I will include Bob’s worthy comment “So I would submit that the lesson to be learnt from this judgment is that when you are fully engaged in investigating a “suspect” transaction with a view to recovery a property etc, from time to time stand back and ask the question “ Is the investigation/legal action still going to bring money into the estate ?”” –  Travaglini v Raccuia [2012] FCA 620 (14 June 2012) COSTS – application for leave to discontinue with no order as to costs – application of r 26.12(7) of the Federal Court Rules 2011 that the discontinuing party is liable for costs unless the Court is satisfied there is a good reason for ordering otherwise – whether parties acted reasonably in prosecuting and defending the proceeding  Held: when applicant commenced proceeding there was a reasonably foreseeable risk that litigation would become futile – applicant should pay the respondents’ costs upon discontinuance http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/620.html

Tarrant v Statewide Secured Investments Pty Ltd [2012] FCA 582 (6 June 2012) BANKRUPTCY – Appeal from sequestration order – where federal magistrate refused to adjourn creditor’s petition – federal magistrate allowed the creditor’s petition to be amended to correct judgment date and dispensed with service of the amended petition – federal magistrate refused to receive bankrupt’s evidence where bankrupt required for cross-examination on her affidavits but did not attend – whether grounds of appeal disclose any appealable error http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/582.html

A ‘must read’ – the circumstances in which a S of A could be rejected by ITSA has not been considered by the Court as far as I’m aware – I wonder where these Orders would put the Offence provisions, if the answers are not answered accurately  Vince (Trustee), in the matter of Sopikiotis (Bankrupt) v Sopikiotis [2012] FCA 573 (1 June 2012) BANKRUPTCY – s 54(1) Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) – whether document purporting to be a statement of affairs defective – whether bankrupt should be required to file a statement of affairs – order made http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/573.html

Another matter deserving a good read & consideration  Weeden v Rambaldi [2012] FCA 552 (29 May 2012) BANKRUPTCY – whether notices of objection to discharge filed pursuant to s 149B of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) valid – whether notices of contribution assessment made pursuant to s 139(1)(c) of the Bankruptcy Act valid – whether notices were invalid because made by a joint trustee acting alone – unanimous concurrence required for act of joint trustee – whether joint trustees were appointed or a sole trustee appointed by meeting of creditors – s 257 of Bankruptcy Act and presumption that minutes of meeting provide prima facie evidence of meeting – whether evidence of concurrence of joint trustees – whether s 306(1) of the Bankruptcy Act validates the act of a joint trustee acting alone, where the consent of other trustee is later given, in relation to the making and notification of an assessment pursuant to s 139W(1) of the Bankruptcy Act and in relation to the filing of an objection to discharge pursuant to s 149B of the Bankruptcy Act – whether a formal defect or irregularity within the meaning of s 306(1) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/552.html

I’m not quite sure what is going on here – also, the plaintiff, joint trustees, use subpoena rather that s. 77C Notice Re estate of Mischel [2012] VSC 296 (13 June 2012) PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – Objection to a subpoena – Whether the Commissioner has power to release documents pursuant to the Taxation Administration Act 1997 (Vic) – Sections 91, 93, 94, 95 considered http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VSC/2012/296.html

 Corporations – pre-appointment

TRINH OPTICAL YLLUSION PTY LTD v VAN [2012] SASC 125 (25 July 2012) Application to set aside a statutory demand – amount due under a trust – whether a debt for the purposes of the Corporations Act 2001 – creditor/beneficiary an eight year-old boy – statutory demand served on the instructions of his mother – whether mother had authority to do so http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/sa/SASC/2012/125.html

Williams (as liquidator of Willahra Pty Ltd (in liq)) v Kim Management Pty Ltd [2012] QSC 143 (19 June 2012) CORPORATIONS – WINDING UP – CONDUCT AND INCIDENTS OF WINDING UP – LIQUIDATORS – where an application was made to set aside an order made pursuant to s 588FF(3)(b) of the Corporations Act – whether an order should be set aside as of right because a party affected by the order made was not given an opportunity to be heard on the s 588FF(3)(b) application – circumstances in which a shelf order can be made on an ex parte basis – where the plaintiff liquidator did not know that the defendant was a potential target of an application under s 588FF(1) – whether the plaintiff liquidator ought to have known that the defendant was a potential target of an application under s 588FF(1) and served the defendant – the standard expected of a party and its lawyers on an ex parte application – the duty to make proper inquiries before making an ex parte application http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/qld/QSC/2012/143.html

GMW Group Pty Ltd (Receivers and Managers Appointed) (in liquidation) & ors v Michael Saadie in his own right and trading as GMW1 & ors [2012] QSC 140 (4 June 2012) PROCEDURE – SUPREME COURT PROCEDURE – QUEENSLAND – PROCEDURE UNDER UNIFORM CIVIL PROCEDURE RULES AND PREDECESSORS – DEFAULT OF PLEADING – where the applicants apply for summary judgement against the respondents under r 374 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 – where the proceeding was commenced by originating application and pleadings were later ordered – where service and timing of service of the statement of claim on the second and third respondents within the required period is unclear – where the first respondent has filed a defence and the second and third respondents have filed no defence – where the respondents have not complied with a court order requiring them to file affidavits detailing their personal assets – whether the applicants have satisfactorily proven that the respondents have failed to take a step in the proceeding thus warranting summary judgment under r 374 http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/qld/QSC/2012/140.html

Applicant became bankrupt subsequent to initial application  McElligott v Boyce & Ors [2012] QSC 189 (17 July 2012) PROCEDURE – JUDGMENTS AND ORDERS – AMENDING, VARYING AND SETTING ASIDE – where applicant seeks to set aside under r 667(2) of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules an earlier order of the court for the winding up of a company on the basis of allegations of fraud – where earlier appeals against winding up order were dismissed – where the allegation of fraud was considered in the appeal – where the applicant is a bankrupt – whether the applicant has standing to bring the application – whether the applicant’s contentions are based on newly-discovered material http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/qld/QSC/2012/189.html

Field Camp Services Pty Ltd v Green (No.3) [2012] FMCA 577 (6 July 2012) CONSUMER PROTECTION – Alleged misleading and deceptive conduct – hire of transportable accommodation and camp units. PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – Failure to pay costs of earlier proceedings in other courts – statutory demand made – whether application to be dismissed or permanently stayed. COSTS – Failure to pay costs of earlier proceedings in this court and State courts – statutory demand made – whether application to be dismissed or permanently stayed http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FMCA/2012/577.html

Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v Compumark Pty Ltd [2012] FCA 583 (5 June 2012) CORPORATIONS – application to wind up company in insolvency by reason of tax debt – court’s residual discretion in applications for winding up – test for reasonably arguable case to challenge the existence of a tax debt PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – corporate respondent – leave to appear otherwise than by a lawyer – dispensing with r 4.01(2) of the Federal Court Rules 2011
EVIDENCE – “fullest and best” evidence principles http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/583.html

Corporations – post appointment

Handberg & Anor v MIG Property Services Pty Ltd [2012] VSCA 126 (15 June 2012) PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – Application for leave to appeal – Whether substantial injustice demonstrated http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VSCA/2012/126.html

Mischel v Mischel Holdings Pty Ltd (in liq) [2012] VSC 292 (27 July 2012) CO-OWNERSHIP – Joint tenancy at law – whether tenancy in common in equity – whether consideration given for acquisition of share – severance of joint tenancy by agreement and by conduct – effect of death of joint tenant after exchange of contracts but before completion of sale of the subject land EQUITY – Maxims – Equity will not assist a volunteer http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VSC/2012/292.html

Clarke & Ors v Great Southern Finance Pty Ltd & Ors [2012] VSC 312 (24 July 2012) COSTS – Privilege – Loss of privilege under s 124 Evidence Act 2008 (Vic) determined before trial – Plaintiffs successful. COSTS – Application by plaintiffs under s 1321 Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) to review decision of liquidators to assert joint privilege – application adjourned sine die without determination http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VSC/2012/312.html

Clarke & Ors v Great Southern Finance Pty Ltd (in liq) & Ors (Ruling No 1) [2012] VSC 295 (29 June 2012) PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – Application by Plaintiffs to amend statement of claim – whether proposed amendments are defective – whether prejudice is likely to be suffered if the application were to be allowed – application refused http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VSC/2012/295.html

Re Traditional Values Management Ltd [2012] VSC 308 (19 July 2012) PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – COSTS – Orders made without adjudication on the merits – Discussion of relevant principles – Costs order made http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VSC/2012/308.html

Traditional Values Management Limited (in liq) v Taylor & Ors [2012] VSC 299 (10 July 2012) PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – Consolidation of proceedings – Separate proceedings against directors and officers, auditors, accountants and unitholders in failed managed investment scheme – Supreme Court (General Civil Procedure) Rules 2005 (Vic), r 9.12 http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VSC/2012/299.html

Hoddinott & Ors v Willmott Forests Limited (recs & liq apptd) (in liq) [2012] VSC 282 (27 June 2012) PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – COSTS – Orders agreed without adjudication on the merits – Relevant principles for an award of costs in a compromised proceeding – Costs order made http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VSC/2012/282.html

TNT Building Trades Pty Limited v Benelong Developments Pty Limited (administrators appointed) [2012] NSWSC 766 (9 July 2012) CORPORATIONS – Creditors’ meeting – Resolution of meeting – Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) s 600A(2)(a) – Application to set aside resolution of creditors’ meeting.
CORPORATIONS – Termination of deed of company arrangement – Whether deed should be terminated by Court – Interests of creditors of company as a whole – Whether winding up would allow more favourable outcome or better return to creditors than deed of company arrangement and whether deed of company arrangement would be contrary to the interests of or prejudicial to creditors as a whole http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/766.html

Fw: Napier Constructions Pty Ltd (Subject to DOCA)(Receivers & Managers Appointed) -v- Christopher Honey (in his capacity as Joint and Several Receiver and Manager of Napier Constructions Pty Ltd) [2012] NSWSC 762 (6 July 2012) CONTRACT – Construction of deed recording agreement as to the basis upon which a party would assist companies and their receivers in prosecuting proceedings against certain third parties – where another party (the bank) makes available funds to facilitate prosecution of proceedings and is owed money under secured facilities – construction of formula for the sharing of settlement proceeds (between the companies and the bank) where provision is capable of two meanings – construction of clauses providing for the taking into account of interest http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/762.html

St Hilliers Construction Pty Ltd (In Administration) -v- Fitzpatrick Investments Pty Ltd [2012] NSWSC 804 (2 July 2012) BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION – where design and construct building contract requires provision by the contractor of bank guarantees as security for performance – where, upon satisfaction of certain conditions, the contractor is entitled to a reduction of the security – whether such conditions satisfied – whether, by taking possession of the works, the principal has exercised an election amounting to a waiver of its right to continue to keep the security http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/804.html

Management 3 Group Pty Ltd (In Liq) v Lenny’s Commercial Kitchens Pty Ltd (No 2) [2012] FCAFC 92 (25 June 2012) PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – pre-judgment interest – date from which interest is to run – interest to run until judgment is entered – rate at which interest accrues – whether penalty interest rate or Reserve Bank of Australia cash rate plus 4% – Practice Note CM16 Pre-judgment Interest Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth), ss 51A, 52  http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCAFC/2012/92.html

In the matter of KASH Aboriginal Corporation ICN 108 (Administrators Appointed) No 2 [2012] FCA 789 (27 July 2012) CORPORATIONS – Aboriginal Corporation – administrators seeking directions in respect of proposed loan and mortgage with associated entity – whether administrators personally liable for monies borrowed – potential liability of administrators in respect of workplace health and safety issues – proposal to borrow funds from related entity http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/789.html

Roumanus v Orchard Holdings (NSW) Pty Limited (In Liq) [2012] FCA 775 (20 July 2012) CORPORATIONS –Whether the defendant corporation in liquidation should be held liable as the primary contravenor or, alternatively, as an accessory, in respect of misleading and deceptive conduct constituted by representations made by persons who occupied office as directors of the corporation in connection with the sale by one of those persons to others of shares in the corporation – whether causes of action out-of-time in any event – whether causes of action could be maintained pursuant to ss 52, 75B and 82 of the Trade rPractices Act 1974 (Cth)  http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/775.html

Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Storm Financial Limited (Receivers and Managers Appointed) (in liq) [2012] FCA 750 (16 July 2012) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/750.html

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v ACN 135 183 372 (in liquidation) (formerly known as Energy Watch Pty Ltd) [2012] FCA 749 (13 July 2012) CONSUMER LAW – declaratory relief, penalties and costs – breach of ss 18(1), 29(1)(g) and 34 of the Australian Consumer Law, Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) – misleading and deceptive conduct – false and misleading representations – in trade or commerce – multimedia mass advertising campaign – retail energy prices – energy brokering services – general and specific deterrence – consumer protection http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/749.html

Carson, in the matter of Hastie Group Limited (No 3) [2012] FCA 719 (5 July 2012) CORPORATIONS – application for directions under s 447D of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/719.html

Australian Executor Trustees Ltd v Provident Capital Ltd (No 2) [2012] FCA 754 (3 July 2012) PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – stay – principles applying to grant of a stay http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/754.html

Smith in the matter of Actively Zoned Pty Ltd (in liq) [2012] FCA 605 (8 June 2012) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/605.html

Quikfund (Australia) Pty Ltd v Prosperity Group International Pty Limited (In Liquidation) [2012] FCA 603 (7 June 2012) CORPORATIONS – consideration of an application for leave to proceed to prosecute an appeal http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/603.html

Hancock, in the matter of St Hilliers Construction Pty Limited (administrators appointed) [2012] FCA 602 (7 June 2012) CORPORATIONS – extension of time to convene a second meeting of creditors of a company in administration http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/602.html

Burrup Fertilisers Pty Ltd (Receivers and Managers Appointed) v Oswal (No 6) [2012] FCA 590 (7 June 2012) COSTS – security for costs application – compliance with a subpoena – whether the Court is empowered under the Federal Court Rules 2011 to award security for costs in advance for costs and expenses of a non-party who is subpoenaed by a party Held: a stranger to litigation should not be put to onerous expense in complying with a subpoena issued by a party not resident in the jurisdiction – that quantum of security should be reviewed and fixed by a Registrar http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/590.html

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v ACN 135 183 372 (Administrators Appointed) (formerly known as Energy Watch Pty Ltd) [2012] FCA 586 (1 June 2012) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/586.html

Moodie, in the matter of Gowinta Farms Pty Ltd (administrators appointed) [2012] FCA 578 (31 May 2012) CORPORATIONS – extension of time to convene a second meeting of creditors of company in administration http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/578.html

An on-going matter – looking forward to seeing where it all ends up MG Corrosion Consultants Pty Ltd v Gilmour [2012] FCA 568 (31 May 2012) CORPORATIONS – variation to freezing order http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/568.html

ACCC thinks (Administrator Appointed) is important

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Jun 212011

The Advanced Medical Institute Pty Ltd [ACN 117 372 915] and AMI Australia Holdings Pty Ltd [ACN 095 238 645] are under external administration.  Trent Hancock and Michael Hird, of accounting firm, BDO, Sydney, were appointed Joint Voluntary Administrators by Life Science Group Pty Ltd, a secured creditor of both companies, in December 2010.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) issued a media release on 15 June 2011 stating:

“Today, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission obtained interim orders by consent against Advanced Medical Institute Pty Limited (administrators appointed) and AMI Australia Holdings Pty Ltd (administrators appointed) – collectively referred to as AMI.  In proceedings filed on Wednesday, the ACCC alleged that AMI failed to advise existing and potential clients that it is in administration, is insolvent and may not be able to provide goods and services after determination of the administration period.  The ACCC also claimed that AMI had wrongly accepted payments in advance for treatments when there is a real risk that AMI will not be able to continue to supply its treatments, and that clients will not receive refunds claimed by them, after the conclusion of its administration.

Today the ACCC obtained orders by consent that AMI will disclose to clients that: 

  • AMI is in administration;
  • AMI is, in the opinion of its administrators, insolvent; and,
  • there is a real risk that AMI will not be able to continue to supply its treatments to patients and that patients may not receive refunds claimed by them, after the conclusion of its Administration.”   ….

“In these circumstances, the ACCC considered it vital to ensure that potential customers of AMI were clearly informed about the situation the company is in before they bought into any agreements,” ACCC chairman Graeme Samuel said.”

“This case underlines the fact that companies under administration are not exempt from their obligations under the Competition and Consumer Act.” 


Speaking of statutory duties, section 450E(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (“the Act”) stipulates that:

 a company under administration must set out, in every public document, and in every negotiable instrument, of the company, after the company’s name where it first appears, the expression (“administrator appointed”)”

[There are virtually identical requirements in the Act that apply to companies where a receiver or controller has been appointed (section 428), or the company is in liquidation (section 541), or the company is subject to a deed of company arrangement (section 450E(2).]

Section 88A of the Act gives the meaning of the phrase “public document” of a corporation.  It appears to me to be wide enough to include an advertisement published on the internet by the corporation; and a website or blog published by the corporation.

Breaches of sections 450E(1), 428 or 541  are strict liability offences, meaning there is no requirement that the prosecution prove intention, knowledge, recklessness, negligence or any other variety of fault.

So it would be prudent for insolvency practitioners to ensure that the internet advertisements, websites and blogs of companies they control carry the required notice.