Location of ASIC website for publication of insolvency notices

 ASIC, Corporate Insolvency, Insolvency Notices, Insolvency practices, Regulation  Comments Off on Location of ASIC website for publication of insolvency notices
Jul 042012

The new ASIC website to be used by liquidators and other insolvency practitioners, and which can be searched by the public free of charge, is located at https://insolvencynotices.asic.gov.au/



The name of the site is a little misleading, because not all the notices are about insolvent companies. Notices to do with solvent companies who have entered a members’ voluntary liquidation are also shown. Accordingly, caution needs to be shown when browsing or searching. For example, regardless of whether a company is undergoing a solvent liquidation or an insolvent liquidation, the Browse/Search Notices page of the website shows the Status of such companies as simply “In liquidation”. Even when a notice is Viewed, there is no obvious sign as to the type of liquidation the company is undergoing.

When browsing or searching the results can be filtered by Appointment Type. The types are Court Liquidation, Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation, Deed of Company Arrangement, Deregistration, Members’ Voluntary Liquidation, Scheme of Arrangement, Voluntary Administration and Winding Up Application.

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Jun 292012

A NSW Supreme Court judge has replaced the special purpose liquidator of the collapsed telecommunications company One.Tel.

Registered Liquidator, Paul Weston, who has served as special purpose liquidator since December 2003, was removed from his role after judge Patricia Bergin found creditors, led by Optus, had lost confidence in Mr Weston’s capacity “to bring a dispassionate mind to bear in exercising his powers in the liquidation”.  Mr Weston contended that the creditors’ loss of confidence in him was not enough to justify his removal. He contended that there must be some serious misconduct, conflict of interest or lack of independence.

Justice Bergin appointed another registered liquidator, Stephen Parbery, in Mr Weston’s place.

The application for removal of was Mr Weston was brought under section 503 of the Corporations Act 2001: “The Court may, on cause shown, remove a liquidator and appoint another liquidator.”

Issues considered in the case included:

  • The special liquidator’s relationship with the creditors’ Committee of Inspection.
  • The liquidator’s remuneration and expenses.


Extracts from the court judgment, and a link to the full judgement of 19 June 2012, are given below.

“In a court appointed liquidation (or a liquidation by the Court), a liquidator, as an officer of the Court, is a representative of the Court, entrusted with the reputation of the Court. It is expected that the liquidator will discharge the relevant functions and powers with impartiality and proper dispatch: Commissioner for Corporate Affairs v Peter William Harvey [1980] VR 669. Albeit that it may be inappropriate to refer to the defendant as “an officer of the Court” in this particular liquidation, it is expected that he would discharge his relevant functions and powers with impartiality and proper dispatch.”  (para 151)

“It is expected that the defendant will maintain an “even and impartial hand” in his dealings with those interested in the liquidation … It is expected that he will be independent in the sense that he will deal impartially and objectively in the interests of the creditors …”. (para 152)

“In City & Suburban Pty Ltd v Smith, Merkel J observed at 336 (excluding citations): Section 503 of the Law provides that the court may “on cause shown” remove a liquidator and appoint another liquidator. It has long been accepted that the section and its predecessors were not confined to situations where it is established that there is personal unfitness, impropriety or breach of duty on the part of the liquidator. Cause is shown for removal whenever the court is satisfied that it is for the better conduct of the liquidation or, put another way, it is for the general advantage of those interested in the assets of the company that a liquidator be removed.” (para 160)

“In the present case the acrimony which has arisen between the liquidator and the committee of inspection has not come about as a result of any unreasonable conduct on the part of the committee. Rather, it has come about because the liquidator has carried out his tasks in respect of the liquidation with some insensitivity to the angst of the members of the committee of inspection.” (para 162)

“In AMP Music Box Enterprises Ltd v Hoffman [2002] BCC 996, Neuberger J (as his Lordship then was) considered the power under s 180(2) of the Insolvency Act 1986 (UK) to remove a liquidator “on cause shown” and said at 1001-1002:

On the other hand, if a liquidator has been generally effective and honest, the court must think carefully before deciding to remove him and replace him. It should not be seen to be easy to remove a liquidator merely because it can be shown that in one, or possibly more than one, respect his conduct has fallen short of ideal. So to hold would encourage applications under s 108(2) by creditors who have not had their preferred liquidator appointed, or who are for some other reason disgruntled. Once a liquidation has been conducted for a time, no doubt there can almost always be criticism of the conduct, in the sense that one can identify things that could have been done better, or things that could have been done earlier. It is all too easy for an insolvency practitioner, who has not been involved in a particular liquidation, to say, with the benefit of the wisdom of hindsight, how he could have done better. It would plainly be undesirable to encourage an application to remove a liquidator on such grounds. It would mean that any liquidator who was appointed, in circumstances where there was support for another possible liquidator, would spend much of his time looking over his shoulder, and there would be a risk of the court being flooded with applications of this sort. Further, the court has to bear in mind that in almost any case where it orders a liquidator to stand down, and replaces him with another liquidator, there will be undesirable consequences in terms of costs and in terms of delay.” (para 164)


  1. I am satisfied that it is in the best interests of this liquidation for the defendant to be removed as special purpose liquidator and for Mr Parbery to be appointed in his place. The defendant is to meet with Mr Parbery and provide him with any advice, documents or other assistance sought by Mr Parbery so that he may be in a position to pursue the remaining purposes of the special purpose liquidation in the most cost efficient manner.
  2. I am conscious that ASIC’s review of the defendant’s remuneration and fees has effectively been put on hold pending the outcome of these proceedings. I am satisfied that it is appropriate to defer any ruling in relation to conducting an inquiry under s 536 of the Act until ASIC’s review has concluded. It may be that, having regard to the defendant’s removal and/or the outcome of ASIC’s review, the plaintiffs may no longer wish to press for such an inquiry.”


SingTel Optus Pty Limited & Ors v Weston [2012] NSWSC 674 (19 June 2012)

Click here to read and/or copy judgment.



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New regime for publication of insolvency notices

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Jun 262012

From 1 July 2012 most insolvency notices issued by Australian registered liquidators will be published on a new website set up by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

This largely replaces the existing age-old system under which notices were published in classified advertisements in newspapers and in the Federal Government’s business gazette.

Just ahead of the start of the new system and the launch of the ASIC’s special website, the ASIC has sent three documents to liquidators explaining the change:

  • “Getting started on ASIC’s new website for insolvency and other matters.” To read and/or copy CLICK HERE.

  • “Updated fact sheet for Registered Liquidators – 26/6/2012: Lodging notices for publication on the ASIC’s website.”  To read and/or copy CLICK HERE.

  • “Fact sheet – Proposed changes to publish notices electronically.”  To read and/or copy CLICK HERE.

The types of notices that must be sent to the new ASIC website are :

1. notices of winding up applications
2. notices relating to appointments
3. notices of meetings of creditors
4. notices of intention to disclaim property
5. notices calling for proofs of debt and intention to declare dividends
6. company deregistration.

Anyone will be able to search the new website free of charge for a particular notice.  The enquiry/search parameters will be:

* company name.
* trading name.
* appointment type (eg court liquidation, voluntary administration etc)
* notice purpose (eg meeting of creditors, appointment, declaration of dividend, disclaimer etc).
* publication date.

The ASIC expects to introduce more advanced search functionality after 1 July 2012.

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Retired federal court judge claims white collar criminals are treated differently

 Offences, Taxation Issues, White collar crime  Comments Off on Retired federal court judge claims white collar criminals are treated differently
Jun 052012

Ray Finkelstein, QC, retired federal court judge, writing in the March 2012 edition of the Australian Tax Office publication “Targeting tax crime: A whole-of-government approach”, says:

“There is significant law breaking by persons from the middle classes.  When these people commit crimes they are seen to be, and are, treated differently.  This is especially true in the case of ‘white collar crime’ …. If the distinction between the two kinds of crimes is removed this would reduce the problems resulting from inconsistencies in sentencing”.

Mr Finkelstein’s article, titled “Crime and punishment: White collar crime vs true crime”, is reprinted below.  In the article he takes issue with judges who have a rationale in sentencing white collar criminals that is different from that which they employ in sentencing ‘true’ criminals, and suggests that it may be necessary to relax some features of criminal law for the purposes of combating white collar crime.

The original article is available at http://www.ato.gov.au/content/downloads/snc00313370.pdf

 “Crime and punishment: White collar crime vs true crime”

by The Honourable Ray Finkelstein, QC:

“There is a longstanding myth, slowly being eroded, that criminal behaviour is largely committed by those in a lower socio economic class.

 The studies I have seen that address this define ‘true crimes’ as those that (1) directly harm or violate the rights of others or (2) constitute inherently immoral activity.  When it comes to the punishment of true crimes, a court considers a blend of just desserts, reformation and crime control: rehabilitation, retribution, deterrence, incapacitation (prison) and restitution.

 In the world in which we live it should be evident that it is wrong to assume that criminal behaviour is confined to lower socio economic class.  There is significant law breaking by persons from the middle classes.  When these people commit crimes they are seen to be, and are, treated differently.  This is especially true in the case of ‘white collar crime’.

 Here I refer to crimes committed by people of high social status in the course of their occupation.  One thing that stands out about white collar crime is that it is not due to poverty and the like.  Also the ‘cost’ of white collar crime is probably much higher than true crime. Compare a bank robber who steals $25,000 from a neighbourhood bank with the corporate manager who steals $2 billion from his company. 

 How do judges punish white collar crimes?  As a general rule the judge’s rationale in sentencing is different from sentencing true criminals.  General deterrence – that is deterring others in similar positions from engaging in like behaviour – is usually the sole guiding principle. Retribution seems to have little role to play. Most judges believe that the humiliation, loss of job and loss of status experienced by white collar criminals when they are apprehended, brought to trial and punished, is usually sufficient punishment.

 There are, of course, some white collar crimes where an element of punishment cannot be avoided.  This is usually confined to crimes that involve a breach of public trust, a serious effect on the market, or a very large fraud loss.

 What is interesting is that even though deterrence is the primary goal – imprisonment, when available, is regarded as a last resort.  Probably the reason is a belief that imprisonment has a far greater detrimental effect on a white collar criminal.  In some cases the judge will take into account the accused’s ability to make restitution as a factor that eliminates the need for a prison sentence.  

 This approach to sentencing inevitably leads the public to the conclusion that there is a law for the rich and a law for the poor. The problem that leads to this perception is what I see to be a tension between the aim of general deterrence (which usually requires a harsh penalty – often imprisonment if it is available) and the particular (personal) attributes of white collar criminals.

 When resolving this conflict, judges tend to compromise – they impose weekend sentences, short sentences or suspended sentences.  I do not agree with this approach.  It is, I think, necessary for white collar crimes, especially those that involve violations of trust, market manipulation, share market manipulation, anti-trust violations and the like to be regarded in the same way as other fraudulent conduct such as false pretences, or obtaining money by deception.  They should be regarded in the same way because they are of a similar character.  That is to say, most (I do not say all) white collar crimes are not really different from true crimes.

 If the distinction between the two kinds of crimes is removed this would reduce the problems resulting from inconsistencies in sentencing.

 A more difficult issue is whether it is necessary to relax some features of criminal law for the purposes of combating white collar crime.  The fight against white collar crime is an immense task and regulatory authorities have limited resources.  Establishing a guilty mind at trial is always difficult and sometimes impossible.  The courts’ narrow approach to construction of statutes often defeats parliament’s true intention.  The difficulty of obtaining independent (for example, documentary) evidence is well known.  All this inhibits the proper pursuit of white collar crime.

 The courts do not possess power to overcome all these difficulties.  Parliamentary intervention is necessary in some areas; but courts do have an essential role to play.

 In the first place when acting as a court of construction the court could adopt a pragmatic approach to the definition of crimes.  Second, as a court of construction the court could limit those crimes in which the prosecutor must establish a guilty mind.  Finally, perhaps there may be some crimes where the courts can state that the standard of proof should be lower than ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ and suggest that parliament should bring about the necessary change.  

 The most likely contenders are those statutes which have introduced civil penalties for contraventions that are also criminal.  Parliament has already decided that a lower standard of proof is in order for these offences, provided there is a lower penalty.  In substance, all that is needed is for parliament to legislate for an appropriately higher penalty for those offences.”



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Apr 202012

The Government is again proposing to extend the director penalty regime to cover employee superannuation entitlements.

The original Bill was introduced to Parliament on 13 October 2011. (I wrote about this in my blog post on 18/10/2011: see “Parliament sees new tax laws to protect superannuation and deter phoenix companies”.)

In its media release on 18 April 2012, the Government says it “held further consultation with industry after withdrawing an earlier  version of the legislation in November. Following this consultation, the  Government has made amendments to the draft Bill, including to ensure that new  directors have time to familiarise themselves with corporate accounts before  being held personally liable for corporate debts and requiring the ATO to serve  director penalty notices on directors in all cases before commencing  action.”

This is the full GOVERNMENT MEDIA RELEASE of 18 April 2012:

“Draft  legislation released today will help to protect workers’ superannuation  entitlements, said Assistant Treasurer, David Bradbury.

Under the director penalty regime,  which has been in operation since 1993, company directors are personally liable  for amounts withheld by their company that have not been remitted to the  Australian Taxation Office (ATO). The Tax  Laws Amendment (2012 Measures No. 2) Bill 2012: Companies’ non-compliance with  PAYG withholding and superannuation guarantee obligations will extend the  regime to cover Superannuation Guarantee amounts.

As well as  strengthening directors’ obligations to arrange for their companies to meet Pay  As You Go (PAYG) withholding and superannuation obligations, the measure will  also help counter phoenix behaviour.

“The Gillard  Government is committed to protecting workers’ entitlements,” said Mr Bradbury.

“This  legislation makes it clear that directors have an obligation to ensure that  provision is made for the ongoing payment of workers’ superannuation.

“It also  ensures that fraudulent directors who use phoenix companies to try and avoid  their debts will be held personally liable for their PAYG withholding and  superannuation obligations.”

The  Government held further consultation with industry after withdrawing an earlier  version of the legislation in November. Following this consultation, the  Government has made amendments to the draft Bill, including to ensure that new  directors have time to familiarise themselves with corporate accounts before  being held personally liable for corporate debts and requiring the ATO to serve  director penalty notices on directors in all cases before commencing  action.

The draft  legislation also includes a new defence for directors liable to penalties for  superannuation debts where, broadly, they reasonably thought the worker was a  contractor and not an employee,” he said.

“The  measure strikes the appropriate balance between protecting workers’ entitlements  while not discouraging people from becoming company directors.”

The  Government looks forward to receiving submissions from the public about this  important reform.  Submissions close on 2 May 2012 to allow for the  introduction and passage of the legislation in the Winter 2012 sittings of  Parliament.

The draft legislation, explanatory memorandum,  and a summary of the policy changes can be found on the Treasury website.

CANBERRA 18 April 2012″

Click on the following link to go to THE TREASURY WEBSITE LOCATION WHERE DETAILS WILL BE FOUND.  The closing date for submissions regarding the proposed legislation is 2 May 2012. 


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Apr 202012

Complied by Michael Ennis.  Michael developed an interest in insolvency case law, while a Deputy Registrar in Bankruptcy at the Federal Court of Australia and while undertaking various roles at the  Insolvency Trustee Service Australia (ITSA).  He has maintained this interest since retiring.  If you would like to receive the Insolvency Decisions schedule direct, advise Michael of additional decisions, or share your observations, you may contact  Michael direct on rmci53mje@spin.net.au.


Bankruptcy Act – Prior to Date of Bankruptcy

Bank of Western Australia Limited v   Srinivasan [2012] FMCA 177 (12 March 2012) BANKRUPTCY – Creditors   petition – ground of opposition challenging authority of Federal Magistrate –   interim applications for disqualification, transfer to Federal Court, or   adjournment – interim applications refused – ground of opposition rejected –   sequestration order made.
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW – Creation of Federal Magistrates Court   – appointment of Federal Magistrates – whether invalid under Chapter III of   the Constitution   by reason of exclusion from judges’ pensions http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FMCA/2012/177.html

Warren Mckeon Dickson Pty Ltd v Maytom [2012] FMCA 160 (6 March 2012) BANKRUPTCY – Contested creditor’s petition – grounds of opposition – consideration of whether any reason existed for the Court to defer making or refrain from making a sequestration order  http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FMCA/2012/160.html

Carlamax Properties Pty Ltd v Phontos [2012] FMCA 125 (28 February 2012) BANKRUPTCY – Creditor’s petition – whether grounds for an adjournment – whether the creditor was a secured creditor – whether for other sufficient cause a sequestration order ought not to be made http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FMCA/2012/125.html

Thanks Bob – 4 time bankrupt, I understand – The Council Of The New South Wales Bar Association v Archer [2012] FMCA 81 (13 February 2012) BANKRUPTCY – Contested Creditor’s Petition – question of effectiveness of service of Bankruptcy Notice by email pursuant to regulation 16.01(1)(e). http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FMCA/2012/81.html

An older decision, but interesting in the consideration given to amendment of creditors petition – Napiat Pty Ltd v Salfinger; In the Matter of Salfinger (No 3) [2011] FCA 1279 (8 November 2011) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2011/1279.html


Bankruptcy Act – following Date of Bankruptcy

Salfinger v Napiat Pty Ltd [2012] FCA 247 (19 March 2012) PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – security for respondent’s costs of appeal – appeal against sequestration order pursuant to which appellant/bankrupt made bankrupt – where appellant resident out of the jurisdiction – where no statement of affairs filed by appellant – whether security for costs should be ordered http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/247.html

Another instance where the value of the debt upon which a Sequestration Order was based will be costs of the administration – Charan v Gleeson [2012] FCA 236 (16 March 2012) BANKRUPTCY – appeal against Federal Magistrate’s decision that transfer of property from son to his parents was void against the Trustee – held that Federal Magistrate entitled to reasonably infer from circumstances that the son was or was about to become insolvent and that the main purpose of the transfer was to defeat creditors – insufficient evidence from parents to rebut presumption of advancement or rely on defence of an equity of exoneration PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – whether it was appropriate for affidavit evidence of Trustee to be taken without his being available for cross-examination – reasonable explanation for why Trustee was unavailable – held that appellate courts must exercise caution in interfering with discretionary exercises of a primary judge’s discretionary rulings on matters of practice and procedure http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/236.html

This Application & decision follows a number of hearings in a range of Court, largely brought by the bankrupt (Liprini) against the Trustee of his estate – the decision sets out the requirements for bringing vexatious proceedings – note that the Orders only apply in NSW (& only to NSW Courts?) & the Trustee’s costs are to be paid by the bankrupt (not payable from the Estate)  Pascoe v Liprini [2011] NSWSC 1484 (5 December 2011) PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – vexatious proceedings – whether proceedings are vexatious – meaning of “vexatious” – whether proceedings were conducted frequently – meaning of “frequently” http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2011/1484.html

Commonwealth Bank of Australia v Tarrant & Hawkins [2012] NSWSC 165 (5 March 2012) PROCEDURE – possession proceedings – Defendant fails to comply with orders for filing of pleadings and evidence – Defendant subsequently made bankrupt – stay sought by Defendant until appeal against sequestration order determined – no utility in stay – Plaintiff seeks summary judgment – final hearing directed  http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/165.html

Hill and The Inspector-General in Bankruptcy [2012] AATA 69 (8 February 2012) BANKRUPTCY – power of trustee to object to bankrupt’s discharge before usual period – Trustee raised special and ordinary grounds of objection under s 149D – Decision under review affirmed http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/AATA/2012/69.html

Capital Finance Australia Limited v Brookfield [2012] FMCA 165 (7 March 2012) BANKRUPTCY – Application to set aside sequestration and other orders made in the absence of the debtor http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FMCA/2012/165.html

Young, in the matter of Macryannis (No 2) [2012] FCA 175 (2 March 2012) COSTS – principles relevant to an award of costs – Court has unfettered discretion – Trustee to be treated as an ordinary litigant – consideration given to what would be just in the circumstances http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/175.html

Thanks for this one Bob –  Young, In the matter of Macryannis [2011] FCA 1272 (8 November 2011) BANKRUPTCY – application under s 179 Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) for enquiry into Trustee’s conduct in administering deceased estate – administration under Part XI Bankruptcy Act– Trustee appointed by Court order – delay in distributing assets – application for enquiry brought by creditor of estate – whether creditor has standing to bring application – whether issues identified by creditor warrant an enquiry being ordered – consideration of principles relevant to exercise of Court’s discretion under s 179 – consideration of principles governing the duties of trustees in bankruptcy – Court has high degree of supervision and control over trustees’ conduct – powers of Inspector-General in Bankruptcy – reasons referred to Inspector-General for consideration BANKRUPTCY – administration under Part XI Bankruptcy Act – whether Trustee entitled to deal with non-divisible assets as part of administration – reference to bankrupt’s assets or estate to be read as reference to whole of deceased person’s property – Trustee required to administer whole of estate which includes non-divisible assets BANKRUPTCY – application by Trustee to have remuneration fixed – whether Trustee entitled to be remunerated for dealing with exempt assets – consideration of mechanism by which remuneration to be calculated – consideration of s 162(4) Bankruptcy Act and reg 8.08 Bankruptcy Regulations and relevant authorities – whether Trustee entitled to costs, charges and expenses of administration – remuneration and any costs, charges and expenses to be drawn from divisible assets http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2011/1272.html

Dyason v Pascoe [2012] FMCA 146 (27 February 2012) BANKRUPTCY – Removal of trustee – failure to provide particulars of complaints – application summarily dismissed for default http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FMCA/2012/146.html

Sheikholeslami v Tolcher (No 2) [2012] FCA 199 (9 March 2012) COSTS – apportionment http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/199.html

Sheikholeslami v Tolcher [2011] FCA 1050 (9 September 2011) BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY – whether certain real property part of bankrupt’s divisible property – whether bankrupt held property on trust for another at the commencement of her bankruptcy TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES – whether an express trust exists – informal family arrangement between siblings in respect of the ownership of real property EQUITY – defence of unclean hands – whether applicant should be denied equitable relief in circumstances where notice under s 26A of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act required but not given http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2011/1050.html

Sutherland as Trustee of the Bankrupt Estate of Leayr v Leayr [2012] FMCA 128 (20 February 2012) BANKRUPTCY – Application by trustee for an order that bankrupt vacate property – consent of bankrupt  http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FMCA/2012/128.html

Samootin v Official Trustee in Bankruptcy [2012] FCA 64 (10 February 2012) PRACTICE AND PROCEDUREFederal Court Rules 2001 (Cth) – r 30.01 – Application for separate trials – Discretion to order separate hearing – Separate questions – Whether preliminary question of whether application made within time should be heard separately from other questions – Factors affecting discretion to order separate hearing http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/64.html

Halsted (Bankrupt) v The Official Trustee in Bankruptcy, in the matter of Halsted (Bankrupt) (No 2) [2012] FCA 66 (9 February 2012) COSTS – loan contract – valid equitable charge in favour of respondent – application of contra proferentum rule – order for costs – whether applicant should be ordered to pay costs on a party and party basis or indemnity basis – construction of contractual arrangement – clause insufficiently explicit to require costs be paid on indemnity basis COSTS – imprudent or unreasonable refusal of an offer of compromise by applicant – whether indemnity costs to be ordered – indemnity costs ordered to be paid from date of expiry of reasonable offer of compromise http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/66.html

                        Halsted (Bankrupt) v The Official Trustee in Bankruptcy, in the matter of Halsted (Bankrupt) [2011] FCA 1242 (17 October 2011) BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY – settlement proceeds – whether settlement proceeds from personal injury claim are property of the bankrupt – proceeds are not property of bankrupt EQUITY – equitable charges – whether intention to create equitable charge over settlement proceeds in favour of the third respondent – where third respondent had entered into two loans with bankrupt – where loans included inevocable instruction not to pay money to bankrupt until loan debt had been paid out of settlement proceeds – whether there was intention to keep settlement proceeds separate and loan would be paid out of those separate funds – equitable charge created over settlement proceeds in favour of third respondent  http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2011/1242.html

Holden v Van Houten [2012] FCA 4 (13 January 2012) BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY – Bankruptcy annulled – Trustee’s entitlement to costs, expenses and remuneration http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/4.html

This decision was in last month, but I include it again because of the very useful observation proffered by one the recipients – “In respect of the above case and on an associated tack, I have always “preached” that if you as the trustee can not find anything to decline acceding to the bankrupt’s application to leave Australia you notify creditors of your decision and inform them that if they are not happy with your decision to let the bankrupt go, they can seek a review of your decision by the Court.” –  Good to see these decisions still go back to the Court to provide guidance to Trustees = Pearce (Trustee) v Mulhern (Bankrupt) (No 4) [2012] FCA 54 (2 February 2012) BANKRUPTCY – application for return of passport – whether just and equitable to do so – where respondent bankrupt had complied with obligations under the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/54.html

Interesting series of decisions in relation to the one estate Pearce (Trustee) v Mulhern (Bankrupt) (No 4) [2012] FCA 54 (2 February 2012) BANKRUPTCY – application for return of passport – whether just and equitable to do so – where respondent bankrupt had complied with obligations under the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth)  http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/54.html

Pearce (Trustee) v Mulhern (Bankrupt) (No 3) [2012] FCA 16 (16 January 2012) BANKRUPTCY – warrant for arrest – warrant executed – order for release from custody after public examination http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/16.html

Pearce (Trustee) v Mulhern (Bankrupt) (No 2) [2012] FCA 7 (12 January 2012) BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY – arrest warrant – failure to attend public examination – use of an alias – flight risk http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/7.html

Pearce (Trustee) v Mulhern (Bankrupt) [2011] FCA 930 (9 August 2011) BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY – arrest warrant – whether to issue – where respondent bankrupt had not appeared for public examination – where it appeared respondent had not complied with obligations of a bankrupt under the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) – arrest warrant issued http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2011/930.html


Bankruptcy Act – Other Schemes under the Act                                        

Osborne v Gangemi (No 3) [2012] FCA 188 (6 March 2012) COSTS – application to set aside a Personal Insolvency Agreement – whether allegations were made against Trustees personally sufficient to justify a costs order in favour of Trustees where Trustees were unsuccessful in their opposition to the application http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/188.htmlhttp://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/188.html

Osborne v Gangemi (No 2) [2011] FCA 1278 (4 November 2011) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2011/1278.html

Osborne v Gangemi [2011] FCA 1252 (4 November 2011) BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCYSection 222(1) of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) – whether the Court should set aside Personal Insolvency Agreement on grounds of unreasonableness or because it is not calculated to benefit the interests of creditors generally – amount available for distribution trivial or negligible when compared to the debtor’s total debts – debtor’s affairs call for further investigation – closeness of the vote of creditors a relevant factor – Personal Insolvency Agreement set aside and sequestration order made http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2011/1252.html

It’s a long time since I can remember seeing a Part X decision, so two is just great – Gore v Prentice (Trustee), in the matter of the Personal Insolvency Agreement of Gore [2012] FCA 104 (3 January 2012) PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – interlocutory injunctions – whether serious question to be tried – where applicant alleged second respondent was not or appeared not to be impartial – where second respondent was partner of liquidator of a company of which the applicant was a director – no serious question to be tried – where balance of convenience favoured the respondent – interlocutory application dismissed http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/104.html


  Corporations – pre-appointment

Interesting matter, but did not find the result too surprising – Surdex Steel Pty Ltd v GB Manufacturing Pty Ltd [2012] VSC 90 (13 March 2012) CORPORATIONS – Winding up application filed before time for compliance with statutory demand had expired – Corporations Act 2001, s 459C(2)(a), s 459F(2)(a)(ii) – Application dismissed http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VSC/2012/90.html

Dynamics Co Pty Limited v G and M Nicholas Pty Limited [2012] NSWSC 206 (9 March 2012) CORPORATIONS – Winding up – Statutory demand – Costs of application to set aside statutory demand where orders were made by consent -Whether service of statutory demand was reasonable http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/206.html

GEORGIOU BUILDING PTY LTD -v- PERRINEPOD PTY LTD [2012] WASC 72 (1 March 2012) Winding up application – Insolvency – Adjudication under Construction Contracts Act 2004 (WA) – Whether winding up application is an abuse of process – Enforcement of adjudication – Whether creditor is a judgment creditor under s 457P Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/wa/WASC/2012/72.html

Mintoo Property Developers Pty Ltd v Multiboard Australia Pty Ltd [2012] VSC 61 (29 February 2012) CORPORATIONS – Setting aside a statutory demand – Genuine dispute about the existence of debt – Offsetting claim – Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), s 459G http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VSC/2012/61.html

Armadale Retail Investments Ptd Ltd & Ors v Owenlaw Mortgage Managers Ltd [2012] VSC 9 (25 January 2012) CORPORATIONS — Appeal against decision of an Associate Justice — Rehearing de novo on the merits — Statutory demand— When statutory demand served — Service by post — Whether the deemed service provisions in the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth) and Evidence Act 2008 (Vic) rebutted by evidence — Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) ss 109X, 459G, Acts Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth) s 29, Evidence Act 2008 (Vic) s 160 http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VSC/2012/9.html

In The Matter of HEZ Pty Limited (Receivers and Managers Appointed) ACN 084 052 595In The Matter of HEZ Nominees Pty Limited (Receivers and Managers Appointed) ACN 100 786 187 [2012] NSWSC 26 (31 January 2012) CORPORATIONS –Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) s 459A winding up in insolvency – no issue of principle http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/26.html

Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v National Skin Institute (Aust) Pty Ltd [2012] FCAFC 2 (2 February 2012) CORPORATIONS – winding up application – affidavit in support – verification that debt still due and payable – a formal affirmation – formal proof not required http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCAFC/2012/2.html

Norman, in the matter of Forest Enterprises Australia Limited (Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement) (Receivers & Managers Appointed) v FEA Plantations Limited (Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement) (Receivers Appointed) (No 2) [2011] FCAFC 169 (23 December 2011) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCAFC/2011/169.html

Northside Deli Pty Limited, in the matter of Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v Deputy Commissioner of Taxation [2011] FCA 1474 (12 December 2011) CORPORATIONS – application for stay of winding-up orders – where applicant asserted serious and fundamental error in taxation assessments forming basis of statutory demand – where applicant expressed intention to apply for review by Administrative Appeals Tribunal – where no evidence of error and no application for review brought – where company not otherwise trading http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2011/1474.html

Lee, in the matter of Hyperbarics Australia Pty Ltd v Hyperbarics Australia Pty Ltd [2011] FCA 1429 (9 December 2011)  CORPORATIONS – application for appointment of provisional liquidator http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2011/1429.html


Corporations – post appointment

McElligott v. Commonwealth Bank of Australia [2012] QCA 61 (20 March 2012) CONVEYANCING – MATTERS ARISING AFTER COMPLETION – OTHER MATTERS – CAVEATS AGAINST DEALINGS – where appellant lodged a registered owner’s caveat against land on behalf of a company in liquidation – where the caveat prevented registration of a transfer of the land and mortgage over the land – where the mortgagee applied for removal of the caveat pursuant to s 127 Land Title Act 1994 (Qld) – where the caveat was based upon alleged fraudulent conduct – where the alleged fraudulent conduct related to persons other than the transferee and mortgagee – whether the primary judge’s discretion under s 127 Land Title Act 1994 (Qld) miscarried in ordering that the caveat be removed PROCEDURE – COURTS AND JUDGES GENERALLY – COURTS – OTHER MATTERS – whether the primary judge erred in refusing to stay an order for removal of a caveat to permit the appellant to add a party to the proceeding APPEAL AND NEW TRIAL – APPEAL PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – QUEENSLAND – POWERS OF COURT – COSTS – where the respondent contends that the appellant advanced the same hopeless position on appeal as at first instance – whether costs should be awarded on the indemnity basis Land Title Act 1994 (Qld), s 127 http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/qld/QCA/2012/61.html

In the matter of Richard James Porter and David Ian Mansfield. [2012] NSWSC 220 (13 March 2012) CORPORATIONS – Winding up – Replacement of liquidator – Administration – Replacement of administrator http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/220.html

In the matter of Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga in Australia Inc (administrators appointed) Phoenix Lacquers & Paints Pty Limited v Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga in Australia Inc (administrators appointed) & Ors [2012] NSWSC 214 (13 March 2012) CORPORATIONS – Creditors’ meeting – Plaintiff seeks declaration as to validity of resolution to remove and replace joint and several administrators – Plaintiff submitted proof of debt to chairperson of creditors’ meeting- Chairperson admitted debt after recalculating interest at a lower simple interest rate – Debt treated as “a debt the value of which was not established” for the purposes of reg 5.6.23(2)(d) of Corporations Regulations 2001 (Cth) – Whether chairperson’s decision effected by bad faith, mistake as to facts, error of law or error of principle – Whether the declarations sought by the Plaintiff ought to be made http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/214.html

BOSI SECURITY SERVICES LTD -v- PAKWEST PTY LTD (RECEIVER AND MANAGER APPOINTED) [2012] WASC 52 (17 February 2012) Practice and procedure – Whether trial of preliminary issues should be ordered – Turns on its own facts http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/wa/WASC/2012/52.html

& the saga continues –  THE BELL GROUP LTD (In Liquidation) -v- WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION [2011] WASC 367 (16 January 2012) Practice and procedure – Case management principles – Application to vary order that two related applications be heard together – High likelihood of appeal of interlocutory proceedings – Proceedings potentially impacted by proceedings in United Kingdom – Turns on own facts http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/wa/WASC/2011/367.html

This Decision has me interested for a number of reasons – now we see a Winding-up Order Set Aside!! – Is this very common??  I’ve only ever seen it in relation to a Sequestration Order – Worth a look at to see how a Taxing Officer might review a Bill of Costs – the legislative restrictions impinging on this process are also of interest – Is anyone aware of any instances where these Corporations decisions where referred to in applications to set aside Sequestration Orders? –  Barbo Group Pty Ltd v Investment and Construction Enterprise Pty Ltd [2012] VSC 71 (2 March 2012) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VSC/2012/71.html

Re AED Oil Limited (admns app’td) (No 2) [2012] VSC 54 (27 February 2012) CORPORATIONS – Administration under Part 5.3A of the Corporations Act 2001 – Application for further extension of time to convene second meeting of creditors pursuant to s 447A(1) of the Act http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VSC/2012/54.html

Algeri; Re Colorado Group Limited (No 2) [2012] VSC 22 (17 February 2012) CORPORATIONS – Further extension of time to convene second meeting of creditors – ss 439A(6), 447A(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VSC/2012/22.html

In the matter of Norman Nominees Pty Ltd (in liq) & Ors v Zervos Pty Ltd & Ors (No 2) [2012] QSC 18 (16 February 2012) Costs – discretionary factors – turns on own facts http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/qld/QSC/2012/18.html

 Amaca Pty Limited (under NSW administered winding up) & Ors v Messrs A G McGrath & C J Honey (as liquidators of the HIH Group of Companies) & Anor [2012] NSWSC 176 (5 March 2012) CORPORATIONS – Winding up – Insolvency – Proceeds of contract of reinsurance – Application for orders under Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) s 562A(4) – Whether “just and equitable” to make orders sought by the Plaintiffs http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/176.html

Australian Receivables Ltd v Tekitu Pty Ltd (Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement) (Deed Administrators Appointed) & ors [2012] NSWSC 170 (5 March 2012) EQUITY – “fruits of the action” lien – prior to commencement of hearing in main proceedings solicitor acted for company defending a claim and prosecuting a cross-claim – judgment in favour of the company on the cross-claim – HELD – lien arose in favour of the solicitor over moneys recovered in the litigation by reference to the cross-claim – EQUITY – trust over litigation proceeds claimed – no question of principle – HELD – no trust was created – CORPORATIONS – deed of company arrangement – charges registrable under s 262(1) Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) – whether a “fruits of the action” lien is registrable – whether equitable charge created by deed over money to be recovered by company in litigation is registrable – HELD – “fruits of the action” not registrable under s 262(1) as it arises by operation of law and is exempt under s 262(2) – express charge over money claimed in litigation registrable as a book debt insofar as secured claim was for reimbursement of expenses incurred in ordinary course of business – CORPORATIONS – deed of company arrangement – competing priorities between a fixed charge and an administrator’s statutory and/or equitable lien – circumstances in which an equitable lien may arise in favour of the administrator and take priority over a fixed charge – AGENCY – claim that a grant of irrevocable authority to current solicitor to pay former solicitor created a secured interest in favour of former solicitor – HELD – no such secured interest – CONTRACT – whether personal obligation of directors of company to pay solicitors’ costs – created by either the retainer or the deed – HELD – no personal obligation created by deed, but personal obligation arose from joint retainer under which the directors were joint and severally liable with the company for costs of the proceedings http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/170.html

Sutherland v Ghougassian & Ors [2012] NSWSC 125 (29 February 2012) MORTGAGE – account of moneys secured by mortgage – no question of principle http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/125.html

Daniel Ivan Cvitanovic in his capacity as liquidator of Master Education Services Pty Ltd (in liquidation) [2012] NSWSC 205 (17 February 2012) CORPORATIONS – Insolvency – Liquidation – Application by liquidator to Court under s 511 of Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/205.html

In the matter of Ursidae Pty Ltd formerly trading as Powerfab Engineering (in liquidation) -v- Commissioner of Taxation [2012] NSWSC 172 (13 February 2012) CORPORATIONS – application by company and its liquidator under s 588FF of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) to recover tax paid as voidable transactions – Commissioner admits liability and seeks indemnity against directors under s 588FGA(2) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/2012/172.html

Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v West Apartments Pty Ltd (in liq) [2012] FCA 222 (9 March 2012) CORPORATIONS – resignation of liquidator – appointment of liquidator by the Court http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/222.html

Crisp, in the matter of ACN 069 895 585 Pty Ltd (in liq) v ACN 069 859 585 Pty Ltd (in liq) [2012] FCA 148 (5 March 2012) PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – Discovery – Privilege – Whether claim of privilege waived by making of claims in proceeding – Whether maintenance of privilege inconsistent with those claims – Whether contents of documents necessarily laid open for scrutiny by those claims http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/148.html

Burrup Fertilisers Pty Ltd (Receivers and Managers Appointed) v Oswal (No 5) [2012] FCA 191 (6 March 2012) COSTS – security for costs – whether springing order for dismissal on non-compliance http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/191.html

Duties of Provisional Liquidators set out by Court – is this usual? –  Griffin Energy Group Pty Ltd v Griffin Windfarm Holdings Pty Ltd, in the matter of Griffin Energy Group Pty Ltd (subject to Deed of Company Arrangement) [2012] FCA 197 (2 March 2012) CORPORATIONS – appointment of provisional liquidators – circumstances in which usual undertaking as to damages not required http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/197.html

White v Norman; In the Matter of Forest Enterprises Australia Limited (Receivers and Managers Appointed) (in Administration) (No 2) [2012] FCA 163 (2 March 2012) CORPORATIONS ACT – where plaintiff successful on appeal from decision of receivers under s 1321 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) – form of orders – whether order for payment of disputed amount appropriate in context of legislative scheme – whether the court has power to award interest under s 1321 – whether the court has power to award interest under s 51A of the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth). Held: The proceeding be dismissed. The appropriate orders are declarations and an order modifying the receivers’ decision. No power to award interest under s 1321 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) or s 51A of the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth)
COSTS – where plaintiff claimed indemnity costs on basis that proceeding concerned proper administration of a fund – consideration of appropriate costs order in appeal under s 1321 – whether proceeding adversarial in nature. Held: The proceeding was of an adversarial nature and costs should be assessed on a party and party basis http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/163.html

Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v 24 x 7 Direct Pty Ltd (No 2) [2012] FCA 157 (1 March 2012) http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/157.html

From CPA Insolvency Group – highlighted for consideration of ‘creditor’ and earlier cases on point – good review of earlier decisions –  BE  Australia WD Pty Ltd (subject to a Deed of Company Arrangement) v Sutton [2011] NSWCA 414 (20 December 2011) CORPORATIONS – voluntary administration – whether person having unadjudicated claim under s 106 Industrial Relations Act 1996 is a “creditor” bound by a Deed of Company Arrangement – whether Court has power under s 447A(1) Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) to vary operation of Pt 5.3A to allow admission of such claim
CORPORATIONS – voluntary administration – definition of “creditor” in Pt 5.3A – whether term has same meaning as defined in s 553 – Brash Holdings v Katile Pty Ltd [1996] 1 VR 24 – whether scheme, purpose and scope of Pt 5.3A require class of claims broader than that of claims under s 553
CORPORATIONS – voluntary administration – definition of “claim” in Pt 5.3A – contingent claim – Community Development Pty Ltd v Engwirda Construction Co [1969] HCA 47; (1969) 120 CLR 455 – requirement of existing obligation
INDUSTRIAL LAW – unfair contracts – status of unadjudicated claim under s 106 Industrial Relations Act – whether “claim” within meaning of s 553 – Majik Markets Pty Ltd v Brake & Service Centre Drummoyne Pty Ltd (1991) 28 NSWLR 443 – Fisher v Madden [2002] NSWCA 28 – Colley v Futurebrand FHA Pty Ltd [2005] NSWCA 223 – whether basis, founded on existing legal right, for asserting a right to participate in the division of the assets of the company – whether legally enforceable right to have Industrial Relations Commission determine application according to law is sufficient – analogy with claim for costs
CORPORATIONS – voluntary administration – power of Court – s 447A – whether Court has power under s 447A(1) Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) to vary operation of Pt 5.3A to deem to be a creditor someone who is not a creditor – Re Motor Group Australia Pty Ltd [2005] FCA 985
CORPORATIONS – voluntary administration – power of Court – s 447A – whether limitations imposed by the subject matter, scope and purpose of the statute – whether order falls within objectives within s 435A or other purpose within Pt 5.3A
CORPORATIONS – voluntary administration – power of Court – s 447A – where broad power conferred on court, requirement to exercise judicially – requirement to exercise power to achieve purposes for which it was conferred
CORPORATIONS – voluntary administration – power of Court – s 447A – whether nexus with how Pt 5.3A is to operate
CORPORATIONS – voluntary administration – power of Court – s 447A – Standing – person with unadjudicated claim under s 106 Industrial Relations Act seeking order deeming them to be creditor – whether “any other interested person” – Allatech Pty Ltd v Construction Management Group Pty Ltd [2002] NSWSC 293
APPEAL – right of appeal – jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal – s 101(2)(r)(ii) Supreme Court Act 1970 – whether leave to appeal required – whether appeal involves a matter at issue amounting to $100,000 or more
COSTS – general rule – costs follow the event – whether departure from general rule – where proceedings relate to fund being administered subject to control of court – whether costs should be treated as costs in administration – no reason to depart from general rule http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWCA/2011/414.html

Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Letten (No 17) [2011] FCA 1420 (12 December 2011) CORPORATIONS – unregistered managed investment scheme – receivership – whether claims of trust creditors and investor claimants are “trust creditor claims” for purposes of the Pooling Orders – trustee’s right of indemnity – clear accounts rule – trustee’s duties – duty to get in / secure surplus investor funds – duty to account for income generated and debt funding secured against scheme property – duty to account for distributions to investors – duty to comply with the law http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2011/1420.html

Termicide Pest Control Pty Ltd, in the matter of Granitgard Pty Ltd (in liq) v Albarran [2011] FCA 1410 (9 December 2011) CORPORATIONS – application under s 503 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) to remove a liquidator – liquidator voluntarily appointed by insolvent company – insolvent company involved in a transaction that is at least questionable – consideration of ‘cause’ to remove a liquidator – liquidator may be removed if the Court is satisfied that it is in the general interest of the creditors of the insolvent company to do so – liquidator need not have demonstrated unfitness, impropriety or breach of duty HELD – application granted http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2011/1410.html

In the Matter of Sullivans Cove IXL Nominees Pty Ltd; Crawford v de Kantzow (No 2) [2011] TASSC 53 (27 September 2011) Corporations – Winding up – Conduct and incidents of winding up – Applications to court for directions or advice – Costs of applications – Application by liquidator for directions – Dispute between shareholders as to distribution of surplus on winding up – Outcome of dispute depended on the construction of a contract between shareholders – Company not a party to the contract – Whether losing shareholder should pay the costs of the winning shareholder and the liquidator – Whether the company should pay the costs of all parties http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/tas/TASSC/2011/53.html

In the Matter of Sullivans Cove IXL Nominees Pty Ltd; Crawford v de Kantzow [2011] TASSC 9 (2 March 2011) Corporations Share capital – Shares – Classes of shares and shareholders – Generally – Whether the holders of the “B” class ordinary shares are to receive a distribution from a surplus on winding up – Whether an agreement between shareholders conferred any special privileges, rights or conditions on the “B” class ordinary shares http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/tas/TASSC/2011/9.html


Agusta Pty Ltd v Provident Capital Ltd [2012] NSWCA 26 (8 March 2012) REAL PROPERTY – conveyancing – voluntary alienation to defraud creditors – transfer of land by judgment debtor – whether intent to defraud creditors by making execution against land impossible – PROCEDURE – judgments and orders – enforcement of judgments and orders – whether writ of execution may be enforced in respect of judgment debt of trustee – EQUITY – trusts and trustees – money judgment against trustee – trustee’s right of indemnity and preferred beneficial interest in trust assets – subrogated position of trust creditors – protection of preferred beneficial interest from destruction by levy of execution http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWCA/2012/26.html

Equuscorp Pty Ltd v Haxton; Equuscorp Pty Ltd v Bassat; Equuscorp Pty Ltd v Cunningham’s Warehouse Sales Pty Ltd [2012] HCA 7 (8 March 2012) Restitution − Restitution of benefits derived from unenforceable or illegal contracts − Recovery of money paid as money had and received − Respondents invested in tax driven blueberry farming schemes − Respondents borrowed funds to pay farm management fees − Each investment a “prescribed interest” under Companies Code of each respondent’s home State (“Code”) − Contrary to s 170(1) of Code, no valid prospectus registered when prescribed interests offered − Farming schemes collapsed − Respondents did not repay loan funds − Loan agreements unenforceable against respondents due to illegality − Whether restitution of loan funds available − Whether failure of consideration − Whether respondents’ retention of loan funds unjust. Personal property − Alienation of personal property − Assignment of choses in action − Assignment of right to restitution − Deed of assignment included assignment of legal right to debts and “all legal and other remedies” − Whether right to restitution capable of assignment − Whether deed of assignment assigned right to restitution. Words and phrases – “bare right of action”, “chose in action”, “failure of consideration”, “legal and other remedies”, “money had and received”, “prescribed interest”, “unjust enrichment”.  http://ww w.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/HCA/2012/7.html

Sounds interesting –  Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited v Konza [2012] FCA 196 (9 March 2012) TAXATION – notices to furnish information issued by Deputy Commissioner pursuant to s 264(1)(a) of Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth) – notices directed to Australian bank – information sought in notices provided to bank from subsidiary in Vanuatu – information stored electronically in Australia – whether notices invalid – whether notices require bank to breach common law and statutory confidentiality obligations under Vanuatu law – whether s 264 authorises Commissioner to issue notices that infringe foreign sovereignty – whether notices were issued for a proper purpose – whether notices are uncertain – whether bank “not capable of complying” with notices within meaning of s 8C(1B) of Taxation Administration Act 1953 (Cth) – application dismissed  http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCA/2012/196.html

Waller v Hargraves Secured Investments Ltd [2012] HCA 4 (29 February 2012) Mortgages – Mortgagee’s remedies – Farm Debt Mediation Act 1994 (NSW) (“Act”) – Creditor must provide notice of intention to take “enforcement action” under “farm mortgage” (“Notice”) – Notice must specify availability of mediation regarding farm debts – Creditor unable to take enforcement action until NSW Rural Assistance Authority (“Authority”) issues certificate that Act does not apply because satisfactory mediation has occurred – Borrower mortgaged land to secure all monies owed under loan agreement – Borrower defaulted and lender provided Notice – Borrower requested mediation under Act – Following mediation parties executed second and third loan agreements, discharged previous debts and created new farm debts – Authority satisfied of successful mediation and issued certificate certifying that Act did not apply to farm mortgage – Borrower defaulted in making interest payments due under third loan agreement – Whether successive farm debts created new “farm mortgage” requiring satisfactory mediation before creditor could pursue enforcement action – Whether separate Notice required for enforcement action under subsequent loan agreements – Whether certificate issued by Authority void – Whether lender’s entitlement to possession of secured land and outstanding monies barred. Words and phrases – “enforcement action”, “farm debt”, “farm mortgage”, “in respect of the farm debt involved”, “in respect of the farm mortgage concerned”.  http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/HCA/2012/4.html


Questions and (perhaps) Answers

(1)    Peter asked me for decisions where a bankrupt had claimed that they held property in ‘trust’ only, especially where it is held for minor children. I readily recalled two bankruptcies which expended generous amounts of Court time.

Marchesi v Apostolou [2007] FCA 986 (4 July 2007) BANKRUPTCY – Torrens system land registered in name of bankrupt – Whether bankrupt had made effective gift of land – Whether bankrupt held beneficial title to land.
EQUITY – Gift of Torrens system land – Registered title not transferred – Instrument of transfer held by solicitor acting for donor and donee – Whether instrument had been delivered to donee – Whether donor had done everything necessary to be done by him to transfer registered title – Whether gift perfect in equity.
EQUITY – Torrens system land – Agreement by registered proprietor to transfer equitable interest for value – Full price not paid by other party to agreement – Agreement not complied with in other respects – Whether agreement specifically enforceable – Whether agreement gave rise to option – Whether other party acquired equitable interest in land as a result of agreement.
BANKRUPTCY – Gift of Torrens system land to registered proprietor’s family trust – Whether purpose was to defeat creditors – Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth), s 121.
BANKRUPTCY – Torrens system land – Agreement by registered proprietor to transfer equitable interest for value – Whether purpose was to defeat creditors – Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth), s 121.
TRUSTEES – Land held on trust – Expenses and outgoings relating to land – Trustee incurring expenses incidental to proposed development of land but not in capacity of trustee – Whether trustee entitled to indemnity from trust estate- http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp/au/cases/cth/FCA/2007/986.html?stem=0&synonyms=0&query=”vasiliou%20

Owens v Lofthouse [2007] FCA 1968 (12 December 2007) BANKRUPTCY — appeal from orders of Federal Magistrates Court transferring beneficial title of properties to trustee in bankruptcy — whether appellant beneficial owner of properties
TRUSTS — whether document titled “Declaration of Trust” effective — whether document manifested intention to declare a trust — document ambiguous in its terms — whether parol evidence rule applicable — appellant’s subsequent conduct inconsistent with declaration of trust
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE — application to adduce “further evidence” pursuant to Federal Court Act 1976 (Cth) s 27 — further evidence relevant to creation of purported “Declaration of Trust” — principles relevant to reception of further evidence — whether evidence could have been led below — whether evidence sufficiently cogent to warrant its reception — whether evidence likely to have produced different result  http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp/au/cases/cth/FCA/2007/1968.html?stem=0&synonyms=0&query=”sue%20owens%20

Lofthouse v Baxter & Anor (No2) [2007] FMCA 1481 (30 August 2007) BANKRUPTCY – Application by Trustee pursuant to ss.58 and 116 of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 – whether valid trust – equitable principles – relevance of evidence of Bankrupt in other proceeding claiming ownership of property and no reference to trust http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FMCA/2007/1481.html

(2)    Matthew referred me to an article from one of the published Insolvency newsletters of February 2012 about the decision below.

I was aware of the decision and was surprised it was not more well known. The article included the following observation: “Readers can assess whether that is a decision on the facts or is worthy of legislative attention, or neither.”

I also will leave that to you to decide, though would be please to hear your views & / or other decisions on point.

My early enquiries elicited the following two observations:  “ … the decision was very much based on the failure of the trustee to include in the deeming of the income the bankrupt as the doctor was generating the income by his personal exertion and that the employer company was an alter ego of the bankrupt . Also there was no provision for the operating expenses of the “business” allowed by the trustee , if I recall correctly.”  and

“Appeal dismissed- this is going to cause a lot of problems where we deem income.

Law needs to be beefed up here asap.”

Inspector-General in Bankruptcy v McGushin [2009] FCA 662 (18 June 2009) BANKRUPTCY – appeal by Inspector-General in Bankruptcy from decision of Tribunal – surgeon employed by company – Tribunal found net income of company was distinct from income paid to respondent – held net income of company not income ‘derived by the bankrupt’ for the purposes of s 139W of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (BA) – whether Tribunal correctly interpreted operation of s 139(L)(a)(vii) BA – whether income received by company was income ‘derived by’ the respondent – whether income derived by company could be deemed as being income derived by employee by virtue of s 139M BA  http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp/au/cases/cth/FCA/2009/662.html?stem=0&synonyms=0&query=”mcgushin%20

The AAT decision:

McGushin and Inspector-General in Bankruptcy [2008] AATA 769 (27 August 2008) Bankruptcy – Applicant was the sole income producing employee of a Company of which he held 10/11ths of the issued capital as at the date of his bankruptcy – net income of Company, as distinct from income paid to applicant, not held to be “income … derived by the bankrupt” for the purposes of s 139W of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp/au/cases/cth/AATA/2008/769.html?stem=0&synonyms=0&query=”mcgushin%20

A Contributions decision with a more pleasing outcome, to Trustees:

McPhee and Inspector-General in Bankruptcy [2011] AATA 322 (13 May 2011) “Everett” Assignment – applicant assigned 50% of income from legal practice carried on in partnership with others – effect of such arrangement following dissolution of partnership and applicant’s subsequent bankruptcy – held assignment not operative in relation to income derived by applicant as a sole practitioner – such income derived solely by applicant http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp/au/cases/cth/AATA/2011/322.html?stem=0&synonyms=0&query=”mcgushin%20

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Parliament debates the proposed new liquidation and “phoenixing” laws

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Mar 092012

Although it started out with a dream run, the Bill to allow ASIC to order the winding up of companies has been the subject of considerable debate in the House of Representatives.

The government had hoped to get the Corporations Amendment (Phoenixing and Other Measures) Bill 2012 through quickly.  It was introduced in the House on 15 February 2012.  A day later it was referred to the House Standing Committee on Economics.  The Committee met via a telephone conference – which lasted less than a minute – on 21 February 2012 and resolved to discharge the reference.  The Committee issued a statement of explanation on 27 February 2012, saying:

 “….the committee considers that the Bill comprises uncontroversial measures that will assist in curbing the amoral practice of phoenixing.”

The Committee quoted from a briefing issued by the law firm Minter Ellison, which expressed the view that the Bill “contains some reasonable measures for facilitating the protection of workers’ entitlements.  These measures are unlikely to affect the position of the majority of directors.”

But back in the House of Reps heated debate ensued.  A total of seventeen speeches for and against the Bill were made by MPs.  Naturally MPs took the view of their party, but nevertheless the debate did explore many of the issues involved.  Those who spoke were:

 Joe Hockey (LP) (Opposition); Julie Owens (ALP) (Government); Scott Buchholz (LP); Bernie Ripoll (ALP); Paul Fletcher (LP); Gai Brodtmann (ALP); Deb O’Neill (ALP); Steven Ciobo (LP); Sharon Grierson (ALP); Steve Irons (LP); Kelvin Thompson (ALP); Bruce Billson (LP); Mike Symon (ALP); Bert Van Manen (LP); Tony Zappia (ALP); Stuart Robert (LP); David Bradbury (ALP).

All the speeches may be seen at the following  link:


The main protagonists were David Bradbury (for) and Joe Hockey (against).   The speech on 1 March 2012 by David Bradbury will be found by following this link:


The speech on 1 March 2012 by Joe Hockey will be found by following this link:




None of the debate touches on the technical issues that I pondered in my post entitled Questions concerning new power for winding up by ASIC.

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Questions concerning new power for winding up by ASIC

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Feb 272012

New laws have been drafted to give the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) power to wind up companies.  But what mode of winding up will these liquidations be? Creditors’ voluntary liquidation, or failed members’ voluntary liquidation?  And will there be any requirement  that directors prepare a statement of assets and liabilities?

 The focus in this post is on a proposed new section of the Corporations Act 2001, namely section 489EB —  “Deemed resolution that company be wound up voluntarily”.

The section seems, at the beginning, to be proposing that the winding up proceed  as a creditors’ voluntary winding up.  Subsections 489EB(a) and (b) state:

“(a) the company is taken to have passed a special resolution under section 491 that the company be wound up voluntarily; and

(b) the company is taken to have passed the special resolution:

(i) at the time when ASIC made the order under section 489EA; and

(ii) without a declaration having been made and lodged under section 494;

In other words, it is deemed to be a creditors’ voluntary liquidation because the deemed resolution to wind up the company is deemed to have not been accompanied by a declaration of solvency under section 494. 

But then in subsection 489EB(c) reference is made to section 496: a section that only applies where a declaration of solvency has been made under section 494.

Section 496 – Duty of liquidator where company turns out to be insolvent – applies in a members’ voluntary liquidation.  But how could section 496 have any application?

To me the reference to section 496 seems to be in direct conflict with (proposed) subsections 489EB(a) and (b).

If section 496 does somehow have some application as (proposed) section 489EB(c) seems to suggest, then it would appear that the winding up by the ASIC is to be a members’ voluntary winding up where a company turns out to be insolvent.

If section 496 (for members’ voluntary liquidations) does apply, then section 496(2) – notice to creditors, section 496(4) – liquidator to lay before meeting a statement of assets and liabilities, and section 496(5) – replacement of liquidator, and the other subsections in 496, would be brought into play, wouldn’t they?  Is this intentional or are these oversights or unintended consequences?

If section 496 is to have some application in a winding up by the ASIC, does that mean that the liquidator may choose a path other than the winding up of the company? I ask this because section 496(1) gives the liquidator the option to apply under section 459P for the company to be wound up in insolvency, or appoint an administrator of the company under section 436B, or convene a meeting of the company’s creditors?  Is this intentional or are these oversights or unintended consequences?

If the winding up is a creditors’ voluntary winding up, then it appears that — unlike in an ordinary creditor’ voluntary winding up — there will be no requirement of directors to submit a Report as to Affairs (RATA).  This is so because the section that does require a RATA  from the directors — section 497(5) — seems, along with all other parts of section 497,  to have been made inapplicable by the following words of  (proposed) subsection 489EB(d), “section 497 is taken to have been complied with in relation to the winding up”. 

The same would be true of section 497(2)(b)(i), which requires the liquidator to send creditors a summary of affairs (Form 509).  It too would be “taken to have been complied with in relation to the winding up”. 

Which suggests that when a company is wound up by the ASIC there will be no requirement on the part of directors to prepare and submit a statement about the company’s business, property, affairs and financial circumstances.

This seems strange given that in the other two types of insolvent winding up – court-ordered winding up and creditors’ voluntary winding up– such a statement is required. Is this an oversight or an  unintended consequence?

Also, the removal of a duty to do a RATA would be extraordinary when liquidators say – as made clear in my recent IPA sponsored survey of official liquidators  – that a RATA from directors is a very valuable tool for the efficient conduct of a winding up.

This is all that the official Explanatory Memorandum says about proposed section 489EB:

“If ASIC exercises its powers to wind up a company under the new law, the company is deemed to have passed a special resolution under existing section 491 of the Corporations Act that the company be wound up voluntarily.  The resolution is deemed to have been made on the day that ASIC uses its administrative power to order the winding up and does not require a declaration of solvency to have been made under existing section 494 of the Corporations Act.  A meeting of creditors under existing subsection 497(1) of the Corporations Act is not required where the winding up has been ordered by ASIC.  “

The peculiar phrase “The resolution … does not require a declaration of solvency to have been made under existing section 494” suggest to me a lack of understanding of the law. 

And the reference to subsection 497(1) is odd given that the proposed law refers to section 497 as a whole, not just subsection 497(1).  Has there been a mistake in drafting subsection 489EB(d)? Should it refer more narrowly to subsection 497(1) rather than to the whole section?

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New Bill proposes changes to liquidation and deregistration of companies

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Feb 202012

A Bill just released by the Australian Government’s Treasury department (17/2) contains amendments to the winding up of companies, a new duty for external administrators of companies that are “paid parental leave employers”, changes to requirements regarding the publication of notices, and changes to laws governing deregistration of companies.

The Bill is titled the Corporations Amendment (Phoenixing and Other Measures) Bill 2012 and is described, officially, as follows:

“The Bill amends the Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act) to: introduce an administrative process for compulsory external administration to facilitate payment of employee entitlements and address phoenix company activity; include a regulation making power to prescribe methods of publication of notices relating to events before, during and after the external administration of a company; and to make other miscellaneous, minor and technical amendments.”

There is plenty in the Bill that Australian insolvency practitioners will need to be aware of. 

The first part of the Bill is titled “Winding up by the ASIC”.  It includes the following new and amended sections:

  • Section 489EA – ASIC may order the winding up of a company
  • Section 489EB – Deemed resolution that company be wound up voluntarily
  • Section 489EC – Appointment of liquidator
  • Section 601AA (6) & (7)
  • Section 601AB (6) & (7)
  • Section 1317C (ca).

Part two is titled “Publication requirements” and has the following new and amended sections:

  • 412(1)(b)
  • 412(4)
  • 436E(3)(b)
  • 439A(3)(b)
  • 446A(5)(b)
  • 449C(5)(b)
  • 450A(1)(b)
  • 465A(c)
  • 491(2)(b)
  • 497(2)(d)
  • 498(3)
  • 509(2)
  • 568A(2)
  • 589(3)(a)
  • 601AA(4)
  • 601AB(1)
  • 601AB(3)
  • 601AB(4)
  • 601AB(5)
  • 1351(4)(a)(i)
  • 1367A

Part 3 is titled “Miscellaneous amendments” and contains the following new and amended sections:

  • Section 9 – (New) Definition of “paid parental leave employer”;
  • Section 600AA – (New) Duty of receiver, administrator or liquidator—parental leave pay;
  • Section 601AH(3)

There are also extensive transitional provisions.

 To see the Bill and the Explanatory Memorandum click this link to the Australian Government Com Law website.


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Laws governing insolvency practitioners to change

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Dec 152011

On 14 December 2011 a new paper proposing changes to laws governing Australia’s insolvency practitioners was released by the departments of the Treasurer and the Attorney-General.  The paper’s introduction describes the intention and aims of the changes:

“The reforms are intended to improve value for money for recipients of insolvency services and to address cases of misconduct in the insolvency profession …. The reforms are aimed at ensuring the framework for insolvency practitioners promotes a high level of professionalism and competence by practitioners; promotes market competition on price and quality; provides for increased efficiency in insolvency administration; and enhances communication and transparency between stakeholders.”

The paper provides the following overview of the proposals:

  1. Reforms to the standards of entry into the insolvency profession are proposed to improve the balance between the need to protect consumers of insolvency services with the need for a competitive market that provides the best opportunity for maximising returns to creditors. 

  2. The qualification and experience requirements for insolvency practitioners would be aligned across the personal and corporate regimes. The requirements would include a prescribed level of formal studies in insolvency administration, adequate insurance cover, a fit and proper person test, and the requirement that the person has not been convicted of an offence involving fraud and dishonesty in the past 10 years.

  3. The framework for standards of entry would also be adjusted to allow conditions to be placed upon insolvency practitioners. This would include conditions on the registration of a particular practitioner and industry‑wide conditions. Standard conditions would be able to be imposed in relation to continuing education, quality assurance or review programs, insurance, complaint handling, residency, and inactive practice.

  4. The registration of practitioners would be aligned in a manner similar to the current personal insolvency process. Applications for registration would be determined by Committees composed of a regulator representative, an industry representative and a third person selected from a panel appointed by the Minister. Practitioners would be required to renew their registration every three years. 

  5. Reforms to remuneration arrangements are also proposed, including mandated caps on prospective fee approvals; restrictions on payments of disbursements to related entities; amendments to minimum fee entitlements; and the introduction of mechanisms for independent investigations into costs for corporate insolvency. Given recent substantial changes to remuneration arrangements in personal insolvency, there would be limited amendments to the rules regarding practitioner remuneration as part of this package.

  6. Significant communication and monitoring reforms are proposed to better empower creditors to monitor administrations and obtain information from practitioners. The laws governing committees of inspection would be aligned and consolidated, with committees of inspection being given expanded functions and rights. Creditors would have improved abilities to make reasonable requests for information; to set reporting requirements and to require meetings to be convened. Changes would also be made to allow resolutions to be passed without meetings in order to streamline the operation of administrations and reduce costs.

  7. Funds handling and record keeping rules would be aligned and made more efficient. Rules regarding the audit of accounts would be reformed and the ability of the regulators to appoint a person to audit the financial statements of an insolvency administration would be aligned. Mechanisms to enable third party reviews by insolvency practitioners of corporate administrations would also be introduced.

  8. Insurance rules would be revised and penalties for not taking out appropriate cover significantly increased. A practitioner would be required to take all reasonable steps to maintain adequate and appropriate professional indemnity insurance and adequate and appropriate fidelity insurance, with an increase in the offence from 5 penalty units ($550) to up to 1000 penalty units ($110,000) for a breach of this duty.

  9. There would be significant reforms to discipline and deregistration mechanisms. The regulators would be empowered to take direct action in relation to certain breaches. Liquidators would no longer be subject to the Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board’s (CALDB’s) jurisdiction. Personal and corporate insolvency practitioners would be subject to Committees modelled on the current personal insolvency disciplinary mechanisms, with an expansion in Committees’ powers. Recognised professional bodies would be able to make referrals to the Committee in the same way as regulators.

  10. Reforms are also proposed to provide creditors with powers regarding the removal and replacement of insolvency practitioners. Creditors would be given the power to remove practitioners by resolution, subject to protections against actions that amount to an improper use of the power. Amendments would provide for the efficient transfer of records from outgoing to incoming practitioners.

  11. Regulators’ powers would be amended in relation to information gathering, information provision to stakeholders, and their ability to require meetings to be called. The ability of the regulators to gather information would be clarified and enhanced. The reforms would facilitate cooperative arrangements between the personal insolvency regulator and corporate insolvency regulator. Mechanisms would be introduced to ensure transparency in relation to regulator resourcing, the levels of complaints and referrals, regulator activity and regulatory outcomes.

  12. Specific reforms are also proposed to ensure that the insolvency framework works for small businesses. It is proposed that reforms would be introduced to ensure compliance by directors with filing and record provision obligations; allow practitioners to assign causes of action; facilitate greater co‑operation between the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia (ITSA) on connected insolvencies; and improve the utilisation of the existing Assetless Administration Fund (AA Fund).

  13. The Government’s 2010 Corporate Insolvency Reform Package has also been revised to ensure it is consistent and complements the proposed reforms set out in the Proposals Paper.

 The paper – titled ‘A Modernisation and Harmonisation of the Regulatory Framework Applying to Insolvency Practitioners in Australia’ –  may be viewed and downloaded from the following links

Interested parties have been invited to comment on the paper by 3 February 2012.  Written submissions are to be sent to:

The Manager
Governance and Insolvency Unit
Corporations and Capital Markets Division
The Treasury
Langton Crescent
Email: insolvency@treasury.gov.au

Phone enquiries may be made by calling Alix Gallo on (02) 6263 2870.

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