Sep 132010

Statistics produced by Australia’s corporate regulator reveal that it treats only 11% of  the unfavourable  statutory reports it receives from insolvency practitioners  as serious enough to warrant any action.

Insolvency practitioners must lodge a report with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) when they suspect an offence under any Australian law relating to the company to which they are appointed.

In one of ASIC’s submissions to the Senate Committee’s inquiry into liquidators and administrators (see page 76 of the March 2010 submission), there is a chart showing the number of such reports – described as “reports of alleged misconduct or suspicious activity” –  received in the financial  years 2007, 2008 and 2009, and in the 6 months to December 2009.

See the copy of ASIC’s chart at the end of this article.

[All public submissions to the Committee may be found at ]

The chart in ASIC’s first submission reveals that during the period 1/7/2006 to 31/12/2009 ASIC received 20,225 “inital” statutory reports alleging misconduct or suspicious activity.  Of those only 2,918 (14.4%) were flagged or  escalated for further consideration.

In the 06/07 and 07/08 financial years the number of reports escalated equalled 17%.  But in the 08/09 financial year and the half year to December 2009,  that figure dropped to 11%.

Why are 89% of reports by liquidators and administrators not acted upon?  There would be several reasons.  Isn’t the public entitled to know what those reasons are and how many cases there are in each category?

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Liquidator charged with intention to defraud

 Charges laid, Prosecution of Liquidators, White collar crime  Comments Off on Liquidator charged with intention to defraud
Aug 272010
Mr Stuart Ariff – the former liquidator whose actions gave rise to the Inquiry into Liquidators and Administrators currently being conducted by the Australian Senate – was arrested on 23 August 2010 and is now facing 19 criminal charges. He has been released on bail.
In a media release the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) said that the alleged offences relate to Mr Ariff’s conduct when liquidator of HR Cook Investments Pty Ltd.
Mr Ariff has been charged with 13 counts of intention to defraud. They relate to his alleged transfer of funds totalling $1.18 million. These charges are under section 176A of the NSW Crimes Act, and each count carries a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment.
 In R v Giam (No 2) (1999) A Crim R 348 Dunford J said of an offence under section 176A : “Courts have drawn attention in the past to the seriousness of white collar crime, and offences under s 176A in particular, as it involves not only fraud but also breach of the trust involved in being a director of a company. Such offences call for significant sentences, particularly where the amount fraudulently obtained is large: R v Glenister [1980] 2 NSWLR 597, R v Pantano [1990] 49 A Crim R 328.”


Mr Ariff has also been charged with six counts under section 1308(2) of the Corporations Act 2001 alleging he made false statements in accounts of receipts and payments lodged with ASIC relating to this particular liquidation. Each count carries a maximum fine of $22,000 or imprisonment for five years or both.

The case against Mr Ariff is being prosecuted by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions.


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